Chapter 9 [Attack] Part 3 - Crown

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The sun rose over the horizon, waking up the city from its slumber. However, Ray was already awake long before the light. He had been reading the books on the shelf to past time. It was weekend, students could go wherever they wished to be, perfect timing for Ray to visit the gardening club.

He decided that today was his last day in Cherryton School. He didn't expect to quickly finish his investigation in this place. Principal Gon's provided information was already enough for this deer to bail out of here and move to other sources.

The slanted sun rays blasted through the room, hitting the book Ray was reading on the desk. He was already in his black market's uniform and was just waiting for the right time to leave. He wanted to stay here for a little bit longer mainly due to the books, but he had no choice, he promised to not let anyone, and anything distract him for the time being.

Though, his mind retained the snake's statement from yesterday, regarding Louis' presence in the market. He added a few more notes and a list of which people he would be asking once he returns to his domain.

Putting the book back into its rightful place, Ray grabbed the rest of his belongings and walked to the door where he stopped and looked at the room for the last time.

He asked some students in the hallway for directions to the gardening club. Though, once he turned around, he heard them whispered followed by a light chuckle. He didn't know why they acted like that behind him, it was somehow very insulting, or maybe there was just something with the club itself.

The club was situated on the rooftop of the building, walking up the stairs and opening the door, Ray was met by the morning sun and winds blowing through.

His ears stood up, passing the rustling plants. The door closed behind him as he stepped further into the place. It was nice, greens were everywhere, colorful flowers were displayed, lit with natural light.

Walking under the brick arch, he skimmed the place and was glad no one was here, yet. He found a small shed nearby and only peered through the glass doors. He didn't touch anything nor enter the small space. Nothing was interesting in it, just a bed and other things. Probably for members to rest.

He didn't stay in the garden long since he still had a busy day ahead of him.

As he was walking down the stairs, he brought out his phone and contacted the lion.

"What is it this time?", asked Augustine who was pinching the bridge of his nose from the sudden disruption.

Ray told Augustine about his yesterday's finding, despite knowing he wasn't interested. He then added that he was eager to know more about Shishigumi. Every single piece of information about it. But instead of receiving a straight-up answer, Augustine told him this:

"I'll meet you at the entrance of the school."

"May I know why?", asked the deer, glaring at the nearby students.

"We'll discuss it on the way.", Augustine said as he snatched his jacket from the hanger before ending the call abruptly.

Ray jerked his head with his ears twitching with curiosity. What was that about? This is new. Very strange.

After a quick chat with the principal, the deer radiating a dark aroma finally left the school grounds, maybe. He was just standing at the entrance of the school, leaning against the iron fence with arms crossed, like his mind.

After what Ray seemed like an eternity, a limousine from the black market pulled up in front of him. The window rolled down, showing the face of the middle-aged lion.

From the students' and staffs' perspective, it looked like Ray was being picked up by his father.

Ray walked to the other side and hopped in. They drove off with the deer questioning.

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