Chapter 19 [Freedom] Part 6 - Future

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Ray awakened in a cold and gloomy place. He groaned softly when he looked around and found some kids huddled in the opposite corner. He raised an ear until he found himself in a cell. A very familiar one. His breathing instantly quickened when he scurried towards the iron bars. His hands were very small. He tried opening his mouth but he couldn't hear his own voice.

He tried breaking one of the bars off when he heard the elevator came. A cheetah walked in, casually looking around, and halted in front of the cell where Ray was.

Ray's heart stopped as soon as he laid his eyes on the carnivore. It was the same one long time ago.

"Why am I here? What is this nonsense?", Ray thought to himself when he froze before the stranger.

The cheetah smirked, showing his crystal-white fangs, reflecting the weak deer. He opened the door when suddenly, an adult deer came out of nowhere and kicked the cheetah away. Ray couldn't grasp what was happening before his eyes. He was suddenly grabbed and dragged away from the cell with the adult deer.

Who was this herbivore? Louis? Oguma? His real father?

The tiny deer slowly looked up and froze. The other herbivore was the adult version of himself.

The adult deer was loading his revolver before kneeling and facing the fawn. He placed his hand on the other's shoulder with a regretful look.

"This is what you were waiting for...", said the deer upon pulling the tiny body into a tight, warm hug.

When the elevator dinged and arrived at the garage, Ray was instructed by his adult version to stay close behind him. The taller deer peeked his head and scanned their path for lions. No one was luckily around.

"Clear!", shouted the adult deer at the exact time when a powerful pulse shocked the tiny deer on his chest. He fell to the ground and when he tried to get back up, another wave of pulse shocked his entire body, it felt like being struck by a lightning.

He coughed as his breathing deepened. He stayed on the ground, staring at the lightbulb in the elevator. He couldn't move. His vision slowly started to blur, the light was getting brighter, to the point where everything was covered with its luminosity. He could hear something beeping nearby.

The brightness of the white light eventually ceased, but not the clarity of his eyes. He could hear voices around him. Figures were moving about.

"We got a pulse!"

Ray, finally awakened to reality, couldn't move due to his body being strapped onto the operation table. He wanted to find Louis. He needed to see him. To make sure that they did somehow managed to get out of the place alive. He mumbled through his gas mask when one of the doctors injected anesthesia on the deer's neck.

Ray woke up again, but this time, he was inside a private room. He was laying on the bed, covered with stitches and bandages. At first, he felt just fine, until he noticed something strange with his right leg.

It was noticeably lighter.

He slowly lifted the covers and found his other foot to be missing. The foot which had the mark of number five.

He carefully looked around when he found another deer, resting its head just on the edge of the bed. Just like himself, the other herbivore was covered with bandages and small stitches.

He could tell it was Louis only by looking at the antlers. Ray was absolutely relieved to lay his eyes on the deer he now trusted. He was honestly expecting to not see him at first glance.

Ray slowly moved his hand onto Louis' head. Softly feeling the individual strands of his brown fur. He stopped as soon as he heard Louis groaned and suddenly jerked up right after.

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