Chapter 17 [Party] Part 6 - Future

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The lions were patrolling around the market when their ears perked upon the roaring engine driving up into the parking lot.

Ray was at the backseat, breathing calmly even though he was badly hurt, to the point where he couldn't stand up for himself anymore. He had his arms wrapped around his core when the door opened. They brought their leader to the infirmary where they treated him as fast as they could by the order of Augustine.

While the staff was focusing on Ray, Augustine was outside when he brought out his phone and dialed some of his colleagues. He didn't know who could have done such an unruly action towards a herbivore. He ought to find out. For now, he wanted to make sure Ray would still be seeing another day.

While he was scrolling through the contacts, he stopped when Horns Conglomerate's name appeared.

A few minutes later, a nurse walked up to Augustine who was sitting on a bench, watching over the market. His mane gently moved along the wind as he walked back to the infirmary with a small hint of urgency. He sighed in relief when he stood near Ray who was looking at him. Ray's eyes trembled in fear when he opened his mouth.

"We need to talk, now.", said the deer with a raspy voice, trying to sit up but was prevented by the injuries.

"Is this important?", asked the carnivore who received a nod right after.

Augustine requested one of the nurses to prepare Ray for dispatch, even though they didn't recommend this very early. The two heads got to Ray's office where they could absolutely talk in private.

Ray was covered in bandages, his hand and mostly on his head. Ray was given a cane to walk, better than using a wheelchair. Seeing himself in the mirror, he could tell he won't be able to defend the market all by himself. He knew doing so would be a suicide. His dominant hand was unusable. He didn't know what to say to Louis after all these, that is if he managed to survive.

Ray was sitting behind his desk, rubbing his forehead then the bridge of his nose. He was frustrated with what he had caused to his life and everyone in the market. He knew Hellfire and having a diplomatic talk was completely out of the list.

"Get everyone out of the market and away as possible.", said the deer whose face was hiding behind his hands.

"What happened? I can't just pull everyone out without any valid explanation.", replied Augustine.

"Augustine...", whispered Ray who shook his head. "...if you don't, I'll have blood on my hands.", he looked at him with a tear.

"I think you have forgotten, that's how the black market works. Tell me, what happened?"

"He knows... he knows everything about me and Louis... I'll lose everything all because of me!"

"Hellfire...", murmured the lion when he looked away. "I knew he couldn't be trusted."

"You... knew him?", Ray stepped back.

Augustine moved closer to Ray to at least comfort him. "Ray. It's not your fault. No one's is.", the lion leaned down on the desk. "What is your dream?"

Ray sniffed and furrowed his brows. "What does my dream have to do-"

"What is your dream?", the lion repeated.

"I want to change the world... like Louis'."

"Then this must be the day where you start making that dream a reality."

Ray rested his head on the desk, eyes down and his ears. He didn't know what to do now that it was already established he would be fighting against his brother. The only one left in his adopted family. He breathed weakly when he began thinking about Louis.

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