Chapter 6 [Hellfire] Part 2 - Transition

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As the sun rose over the horizon, painting the sky with gorgeous hues, Ray slid his hands across the paper and closed the book he was reading on his desk. It was one of the books on the shelf. He plucked it randomly as usual when he wanted to learn something before the sun appears.

Today was the departure of his father to his trip.

He was already dressed in his suit when he walked out of his bedroom. Kananosuke was, as well, wearing his favorite clothing. One could tell he was excited to feel the sand underneath his feet due to how he was dressed. A thin polo painted with shells, sands, and palm trees. Brown shorts and a pair of sandals. His favorite straw hat, along with his shades and cane.

The two met at the dining room where breakfast was already served, the butlers and the rest would be sent home early by their boss. He knew Ray could live all by himself. Kananosuke was reading the morning papers as usual.

"You look... excited.", said the deer when he sat down with a raised brow and ears twitching.

"Well, what can I say? Your old man is going on a trip! I can't even remember when was the last time I have one."

"Well, let's just hope nothing bad happens during your absence this time around.", joked the deer before digging in.

After breakfast, Kananosuke had his last personal chat with his son on the front foyer. He had to make it quick since his private flight would be leaving in the next hours.

"Remember what I said, if something bad happens, just press the button.", said the lizard, reminding his son about the emergency button located under his desk in his office.

"Yes, I remember. Don't worry father, I have this with me at all times.", Ray lifted the black briefcase.

They both hugged which apparently lasted for minutes. Kananosuke remembered his flight and sadly had to pull away from the embrace. He lifted the newspapers and hit it softly on the deer's chest, handing it to him before heading to the door. "Try not to hurt yourself while I'm gone."

"I won't, father. When have I become suicidal?", said the deer when he stood in the doorway, watching the lizard hopped into the limousine after waving at each other.

Ray remained in his spot as the vehicle drove away, passed the gates, and out in the long road ahead. The entire mansion was now all to Ray. The fence had already been finished just a few days before today.

Towering stainless-steel bars with a deep concrete foundation. Motion sensors and hidden cameras were scattered along the border and the mansion as if the impenetrable fence wasn't secure enough.

Honestly, Ray didn't know what to do for the time being. He had ventured the entire place long ago. He raised his forearm and glanced over the time under his sleeve. He still had a few hours before his favorite show could air. As he thought for something to distract himself, Ray stepped back inside and closed the doors, locking them.

His glossy, black shoes tapped on the wooden floor when he was heading to his bedroom, reading the morning papers. Pages after pages, his ears remained upright as his facial expression continued to pour attention on the smooth papers. It was a normal one until he got to the last page where he found something strange.

It was a small article about the place he had forgotten—the black market. His brows furrowed as his eyes focused on the black texts. He sat on the chair and turned to his desk where he placed the newspaper, under the natural light.

His right index finger ran slowly below the words, describing the situation in the wretched place. As he dug deeper into the information, memories from the cold place began to reappear. Ray brought his pills out from his breast pocket and popped one into his mouth. He didn't want to read any further regarding the place.

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