Chapter 12 [It was your choice to become who you are today] Part 4 - Agony

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"...we'll resume our discussion tomorrow morning.", said Louis on the phone, sitting behind the desk, talking to his colleagues.

He placed the telephone back, grunting and rubbing the bridge of his nose. He tapped his fingers on his desk as he stared at Oguma's portrait on the other side of the office. He was still wondering on what his father was about to say before his passing. Oguma looked so concerned at that particular moment.

He looked down at his desk, seeing the newspapers regarding the fresh rumors of the return of the black market. At first, he thought the city launched an attack at the place, but that idea was scratched when it returned, for the second time.

He could still recall the days when he and Legoshi attacked Melon, destroying the market in the process. But what caused it to return was still in question

Sliding the papers to the side, he stared at Ray's picture from one of the photojournalists. He found it very concerning that this deer's eyes were so familiar. Not just that, but who also runs the black market. As if Louis was staring at his previous life.

Louis wondered what were Ray's motives, to rebuild the market, let alone cause a massacre before becoming the king. Not only that but, he could recall Principal Gon calling him about Ray's stay at Cherryton School.

He yawned and bent down to scratch his right knee, just above his prosthetic leg. He decided to go over time due to the number of papers. There was still a lot that needed to be signed, but it was really late and he has to attend a meeting tomorrow.

After stacking all the papers on the side, he grabbed his coat, draped it over his shoulder, and left the office. He was one of the few people left leaving the place. Only a few hours till midnight.

Louis was on his phone when he nodded at the guards at the front desk. Heading out, he was met by the polluted arid air of the city, but he suddenly bumped into another deer who was wearing a black suit and a briefcase.

The other deer quickly apologized before resuming to their own paths.

His eyes moved through the well-lit parking space situated at the front of the building. His shoes lightly scrapped on the ground when he walked over to his luxurious vehicle, displaying all its glory to the others around it.

He slid his hand into his pocket where he usually kept his car keys, but, it wasn't there. He began policing himself while recalling on where he placed it. He swore, he always hid the keys in the left pocket.

While Louis scanned himself, something caught his attention from the car's windows. He shot up and had a glimpse of someone standing behind him. He was about to turn around when he felt a hand grasped the back of his head and slammed him on the vehicle, knocking him out instantly.

Ray spun the keys around his finger as he stood before the beastar's unconscious body. The freezing wind blew through them when Ray unlocked the car, and shoved Louis' body at the back seat, tying his hands and putting a tape around his mouth before driving off.

Ray drove to an abandoned warehouse which used to be one of the places for the black market's livestock. The people who worked here were forced to leave the place immediately upon knowing the destruction of the market.

Cells and other equipment, such as meat cutters and whatnot, were left, untouched and covered with a thick layer of dust.

Adequate moonlight shone through the boarded windows and doors when an engine roared and tires screeched.

Ray got out of the vehicle and casually dragged Louis' body into the place.

He dropped Louis on the ground, next to one of the pillars—where livestock was tortured--and tied his hands around it. Ray really needed to do some exercises nowadays, he was catching his breath after pulling someone slim and heavy at the same time. He could have dragged Louis by his antlers but, he decided to take it out once he was done playing with his body.

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