Chapter 14 [Piano] Part 4 - Agony

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Ray was weighed down after witnessing that traumatic sight. He was walking back to the black market which was preparing to open for the entire night. His head was slightly down with shame and pain. His movement became sluggish as if he was no longer the deer everyone knew.

The deer was walking up the stairs at the front of the building when he stopped and turned. He tried distracting himself by the glistening sight of the awakening market. His ears remained low, his self-esteem was leaking. As if the barrel of water got shot.

He sat on the stairs, elbows on his knees, and gently rubbed his hands as the cold wind whistled. He began hearing footsteps from behind. He glanced at his wristwatch when he found out it was the end of some people's shifts.

Different bodies began pouring out of the building, chatting, and whatnot. However, out of all the noises of their shoes tapping, one stood out. It stopped in his vicinity.

"I figured something happened during your stroll?", Augustine stood still.

Ray's head was resting on his hands when his ears twitched from the familiar voice. It made him feel worse for being like this in front of everyone. The people knew he was ruthless, with no remorse for what he was doing.

This new type of pain felt like knives being stabbed at him at all angles. He wanted everything to go back to normal. He must do something about this. Now must be the right time to let this other deer go.

Time to set Louis free from the black market cell once again.

"I need you to get something from my office. Put Louis' folder in a briefcase, and call him.", Ray paused when he closed his eyes. "Invite him to dinner with me in the nearest restaurant you prefer."

Augustine had many questions regarding the task but he knew now was not the right time to interrogate. He nodded and went back inside the building, straight to the deer's office. He walked to the desk where he opened a briefcase and strolled around, searching for the folder.

He carefully lifted some papers on the desk before shifting to the drawers, opening them one by one. He slid one and found an envelope in it.

His ears perked up when he gazed at the door while taking the envelope out. It wasn't sealed, making it easier for the lion to take the paper out while still searching for the folder. His eyes moved from side to side as they both grew wider the more he dug.

"No wonder.", commented Augustine, remembering reading the news of an old warehouse in flames.

He was dumbstruck to see someone like Ray write something like this. This was a game-changer.

"Now my question is answered.", murmured the lion, finished reading.

Augustine stared at the paper when he found the particular folder. He was wondering why the envelope was placed in an empty drawer instead of where Ray usually placed them?

Why was this letter not burnt?

Was this Ray worrying about a day ago? It must be, it was like the deer was hiding it, from who? Augustine already had an idea as to why the herbivore instructed him. Ray probably wanted to talk to Louis.

A bulb light up.

Ray was kicking some pebbles around the market, hands shoved into his pockets when his ears picked up Augustine's footsteps. "Number four is here. As for your place, follow me."

The deer claimed the case, keeping his demeanor while trailing behind the larger body. They walked out of the market and onto the sleeping city streets once more. Augustine guided the deer to the restaurant where Ray and Louis would be discussing who-knows-what.

The Black Market KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora