Chapter 10 [Reconstruction] Part 4 - Agony

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Ray was greeted with towering flames and piles of debris at the front entrance. He could already feel the scorching temperature just from across the empty street. Not a single emergency vehicle arrived on the scene nor anyone to help.

Ray's wide eyes didn't know what to do as he stood before his burning domain. The place he was so proud of. The place which he was just thinking of abandoning earlier. Was life doing his favor out of nowhere?

He didn't want to leave the market like this! He planned to hand it over back to Augustine!

Ray continued to contact the lion as he tried to find a way through the wall of inferno. He did eventually, but as soon as he was about to step into the place, he heard sequences of explosions nearby. His ears could pick up something collapsing within the blaze.

The deer looked around and found one of the buildings leaning to its side, the one where his penthouse was located.

Without hesitating, he ran in the opposite direction as fast as possible, not looking back, as the buildings plummeted down. A giant wave mixed with clouds of dust, debris, and fire flooded the vicinity, swallowing the deer.

Ray jumped into an alleyway to avoid the pieces of cement being flung away. He dropped to the ground and cupped his nose with his napkin as the market collapsed on itself, finally ending the destruction.

Ray couldn't see a thing, he tried opening his eyes but the cloud was too thick and painful. Aside from the market, he began to hear some males shouting in the distance. He moved his head up, facing the direction of the voices when he received a kick straight to his jaws.

The kick was so powerful it nearly detached his head from the rest of his body. Ray grunted when strangers began to beat him up in the alleyway. He couldn't defend himself because he lost grip of his briefcase.

One of them spat on the deer on the ground.

"You're pathetic! Useless! Fucking incompetent!", one last punch to Ray's face and they finally ran away, disappearing forever, coughing heavily.

Ray was left on the ground, getting blanketed by the thick dust cloud and ashes. He was breathing heavily despite the toxic fumes. He coughed out splotches of blood as he tried to lift himself. He was ashamed of what he had done, not just to himself but to everyone.

To his father even.

It was at this point again in his life where he lost everything he valued.

He groaned and coughed excessively as he limped out of the scene. The words of the strangers who beat him up managed to stamp their words on his mind. He tripped to the ground but hurriedly brought himself back, running.

Still without any emergency vehicles arriving.

The next day, a massive, thick cloud hovered above the city, blanketing it with heavy rain, blowing winds, and dimness. Lightning and ear-banging thunders boomed through the gloomy atmosphere.

Strong winds slammed against every single structure in the city, ripping leaves from trees, toppling bins and scattering trashes everywhere, hanged street decors swayed and some got carried with the wind.

The black market was on the headlines of every media. Everyone was talking about it, some were glad that the market was destroyed once again, some weren't; these were carnivores.

Controversies about a planned attack against the market rose, similar to the one that happened prior. The public, even other members of the black market, who were fortunately absent during the incident, accused Louis or Yafya was the one who started it.

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