Chapter 7 [Massacre] Part 3 - Crown

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From being loved to being abandoned. From being livestock to being the son of a gang leader.

After the years of struggle and agony, and promising himself he wouldn't step his foot back in the wretched place, Ray stood still in front of the entrance of the black market. He gazed at the carnivores strolling around their heaven, picking at the different cuts of meats displayed before their salivating mouths.

The shimmering moon rose above the structures, spectating over at what would be the most memorable moment in the history of the black market and to Ray's life.

Years of training brought him to a place where he didn't wish to return. He analyzed the setting of the place, marking the crucial aspects in case he got pinned by the ferocious animals. He breathed in the cold air blowing over his shoulders, pushing him towards the boundary of his new chapter in life.

From here, he could see the other end of the crowded path. To his right, he witnessed people unloading a truck filled with small crates. A memory flashed before him. Faded figures appeared as Ray recalled the occurrences before he ended up in the cell.

Finally, right after the click of his revolver's safety, Ray approached the place, passed the gates, and into the middle of the path where his antlers stood out, a beacon for what he was.

Ray stood tall as he locked his eyes at the carnivores around him, stopping with a questionable look and pure malicious intentions.

His ears twitched upon the whispering voices echoing around.

"I didn't expect Louis to return."

His mind was having a conflict with his two sides. A tiger began its approach from behind, sniffing the air filled with the scent of delicious venison.

Ray closed his eyes as he tricked his mind being in the gymnasium with his father. His father. The life of the Komodo dragon who saved him reflected on Ray's dark red eyes upon opening and swiftly turning around. His right hand rose and revealed the glistening revolver.

The tiger stopped on his feet with gaping eyes, staring down at the barrel at the exact time everyone heard a loud bang.

Every living soul in the market shouted as they witnessed the tiger's body dropped and a pool of blood accumulating. Some people jumped from their seats and scampered away making it a lot easier for the deer to sweep the market.

The remaining growled at the deer and began their approach. Ray only smirked when he admired his first shot, his first impression in the market. His ears stood up when he heard feet scuffing against the ground. He turned to the direction and swung his gun.

People were approaching him from all angles, racing to get a piece of that walking meal.

Two gunshots echoed along with bodies falling to the ground, blood trailing down their heads. Ray was cautiously counting the bullets.

He caught a vendor snatched a butcher's knife and sent it flying towards him with glitter of death. Ray jumped away from its path while slashing someone's throat with his dagger. The flying knife landed on another carnivore who was about to pounce.

Ray jumped and zig-zagged around the place as everyone was now after his head.

The deer landed on someone's shoulder while jabbing the dagger through its skull and pressing the trigger at the carnivores. He was having fun until his revolver clicked.

Ray jumped off the falling body and felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He snapped his head around and found a fox stabbed a knife. The deer spun his dagger and cut through the fox's arm before striking his head.

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