02: Home Sweet, Michigan

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May 21st, 2020

A flight from New York to Michigan was approximately one hour and fifty four minutes. Gemma could easily watch about two episodes of American Horror Story during the flight, though she found it difficult to focus on her favorite characters in Freakshow, considering other things were on her mind.

She was excited to see her family, though for obvious reasons, spending four days in Michigan was terrifying for her. Gemma was beyond excited to spend time with her family again despite recently seeing them, but she couldn't help but worry about the other people she may see on her trip back home.

Gemma was absolutely terrified of running into Avery. The two hadn't seen each other in years, and for all Gemma knew, her ex best friend's appearance could have been completely different. If the two did happen to run into each other somewhere in their small neighborhood, maybe Gems wouldn't even recognize her former friend. She sighed, as she clicked out of Netflix. Shutting her laptop and eyeing a sleeping Marcie, Gemma rolled her eyes. If it weren't for her roommate, Gemma would not be in this position right now, fearing for what's to come in the next few days.

She was probably just being paranoid. That's what she tried to tell herself, at least. Because Avery wasn't the only person Gemma was nervous to possibly run into. Michigan was full of Gemma's demons -- which was why she despised going home in the first place. The rational side of her knew that she was being ridiculous - and that she wasn't going home for her demons. She was going home for her dad, who she would soon be celebrating with.

She hadn't realized she fell asleep for the remaining hour of the plane ride, that is, until Marcie violently shook her awake.

"Gems," Marcie's hands were tight on Gemma's shoulders. "God, I don't understand how you're such a heavy sleeper."

Annoyed, Gemma shut her eyes tighter. She wasn't ready to wake up yet, given her lack of sleep from the night before.

"Let me sleep,"

"I can't," Marcie laughed. "We're here."

Gemma groaned loudly, earning looks from a few passengers seated in the row next to her. Not paying them any attention, she unfastened her seatbelt and followed Marcie off the plane.

The familiar smell of the airport filled her nostrils immediately upon walking in. It didn't take long to spot her family, who held up giant poster boards saying Welcome Home Gems! And Marcie!

All of Gemma's Michigan related fears left her for a moment as she ran over to her parents with her overnight bag in hand. She didn't pack much, given she and Marcie were only staying for four days. Though for a reason she couldn't decipher, Marcie insisted Gemma should pack more.

"We're only staying a few days," Gemma tilted her head in confusion as her eyes traveled across the large suitcase full of her best friend's belongings.

"You never know," Marcie shrugged with a grin -- a grin that Gemma didn't know the reason behind. "We might have a lot of fun, and end up staying longer!"

"Definitely not happening." Gemma rolled her eyes before walking out of Marcie's bedroom, and back to her own so she could finish packing her small bag for her four day stay.

Dropping her bag onto the ground, Gemma squealed as her older brother, Jackson, engulfed her in his arms. Despite seeing him five days ago, she missed him. Gemma was extremely close with her brother, given their closeness in age. Only two years apart in age, the two did everything together when they were kids. Gemma was attached to Jax's hip, until their sister Olivia came along. Despite being six years younger than Gems and eight years younger than Jax, Liv fit right in as if there was no age gap at all.

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