25: Permanent

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July 17th, 2020

The most important day, aside from the wedding itself, had finally arrived. And Gemma was absolutely dreading it. The bachelorette party -- also known as the one day aside from the wedding where Avery, the bride, would be the center of attention.

Gemma forced herself out of bed that evening, knowing she only had limited time to get ready. She paused the episode of American Horror Story that she was watching, sad that she would not be able to finish the action packed episode that at this point, she'd likely seen over twenty times.

She was not sure what to wear as she sifted through her closet full of clothes from her teenage years, though ultimately decided on a plain, strapless black dress. Gemma went ahead and picked out some outfit ideas for Marcie as well, who Avery was letting attend the bachelorette party, despite Marcie not being in the bridal party.

While applying makeup, Gemma messed up and had to redo it three times before it actually turned out somewhat decent. In the time Gemma was applying makeup, Marcie had come home from her mid-shift at Dunkin'.

"You look cute!" her best friend cheerily spoke as she walked into the room.

"I don't feel like it," Gemma sighed, still dreading whatever it was that this night was going to bring. "Those outfits are for you," she pointed towards the piles of clothing on her bed.

"You know me so well," Marcie held the outfits up to her body. She decided on the black leather skirt and checkered tube top to match. "I'm gonna go shower because I smell like coffee. I'll meet you downstairs when I'm done!"

Gemma just nodded in response as she finished applying mascara. Once she was fully finished, she looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. This was only going to be a few hours -- all she had to do was get it over with. Gemma had no intentions of drinking due to the brutal hangover she experienced at the Airbnb party, but if she was going to get through tonight, alcohol was necessary.

Gemma took the stairs one by one, that is, until she heard her mother and Jax speaking from the kitchen. She stood on the last step, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Jax, you need to make a decision." Gayle's tone was sharp.

"I can't," Jax pleaded with his mother. "I need more time."

"This is the problem, Jax. You're running out of time. You need to figure out what you're going to do."

"Give me a few more weeks," he begged. "Please."

"I'm not the one you should be begging," Gayle sighed, and before Jax could respond, Marcie walked downstairs.

Gemma walked down the last step, knowing her family heard Marcie's feet coming from down the stairs. Gemma slowly walked into the kitchen, wondering what the hell Gayle and Jax could have been talking about.

"Are you guys good?" she asked, once she was fully in the room, looking at them with confusion and curiosity clear on her face.

"Of course," Gayle smiled, though it did not seem genuine.

"Really?" Gemma asked, pushing for more details. "Whatever you were talking about seemed pretty intense."

"Gemma," Gayle scolded. "It's rude to eavesdrop."

Gemma sighed, knowing there was no use in asking questions. Gayle was downplaying the situation, by turning it around on Gemma for doing something that her mother cannot stand: eavesdropping. Gemma was curious though, and thought that maybe Jax would tell her if Gayle was not in the room. It did not look like Gayle would be leaving the kitchen anytime soon, though, given she was preparing some dish that Gemma could not make out.

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