04: Enough of Avery

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May 22nd, 2020

"Gemma! Liv!" Avery's loud voice boomed throughout the quiet lobby of the coffee shop. After Gemma's debit card was ripped from her hand, she stood there yet again, speechless.

"Hi, Avery." she croaked after a few seconds of an uncomfortable silence. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of fresh coffee brewing, aside from Gemma's nervous, and unsteady breathing.

"How ironic to run into you guys, yet again!" Avery smiled, breaking her eyes from Gemma's for a moment to look at the menu. There was no use in looking at the menu though, considering Avery's coffee order never changed. "Sorry to freak you out yesterday, I thought you knew I was coming."

"Nope," Gemma sarcastically smiled, hoping Avery could pick up on the fact that Gems did not want to be talking to her. "I had no idea."

"I really thought Gayle told you! I should have texted."

Too bad I blocked your number, Gemma thought to herself. Because I never would have responded to a message from you.

"Well," Gemma's sarcastic smile faded as Olivia was handed their coffee and food. "Nice seeing you Avery, I gotta go." 


"What?" Olivia rolled her eyes, turning back around to face the girl she saw as the devil. Avery's red hair only helped in Liv's vision of her as Satan, and to her, it was hilarious.

"We should go to lunch sometime, maybe catch up? How about today?" 

"I don't think that's necessary - " Gemma quietly spoke, not sure if her former friend could hear her considering she was now standing by the door, ready to bolt out of the building and get as far away from Avery as possible. 

"Gem's going back to New York in three days," Liv rolled her eyes once more, fully aware that Avery could sense the attitude radiating off her. Olivia once saw Avery as a sister, though after what she did to Gemma, Liv couldn't help but hate her. 

"Oh - " Gemma's ex best friend spoke, though was cut off by the same employee who took Gemma and Olivia's order. Gems and Liv took this as their cue to leave. With car keys in hand, Gemma bolted towards her mother's car. Olivia was careful getting in, trying not to spill the coffee, though Gemma couldn't help but rush her sister so they could get the hell out -- before Avery came outside and tried to talk to them once more. 

"Well," Liv laughed once they were on the road. "That was wild."

"From now on," Gemma sighed. "We're going to Starbucks."


Immediately upon arriving home, Gemma packed her bags up to go back to New York. Though she technically was not leaving until Monday, she wanted to be ready for when the time came. Marcie watched, confused, as Gemma sloppily threw her belongings into her overnight bag.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her mouth full of the glazed donut from Dunkin'.

"Just packing early, so I don't have to do it later." Gemma shrugged, ignoring the knowing looks that her best friend was sending her.

"Okay..." Marcie's voice faded out slowly, as she finished off her sugary donut.

"I saw Avery, again." Gemma admitted as she continuously shoved clothes into her bag.

"At Dunkin'?" 

"Yeah. And it was weird. I think I've had enough Michigan for now, it's time to go home."

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