15: Roller Skating

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June 14th, 2020

Gemma was stocking shelves at Target when a familiar voice called her name. A voice she hadn't heard since the party. A voice she did not plan on hearing for awhile, unless it was for wedding business.

She turned around to see Wesley walking towards her. Last time Gemma talked to Wesley, she was heavily intoxicated. She didn't remember much from the party after she went outside by the bonfire. Gemma sat next to Marcie and an empty chair, and she kept taking shots upon shots. Her memories were scattered, though she did remember running into Rowan when she went into the house to use the bathroom. She quickly walked past him, despite him calling her name.

Other than that, the next thing she remembered was waking up on the living room couch of the Airbnb, completely hungover. As soon as Marcie woke up twenty minutes later, also hungover, the two left -- without saying goodbye to anyone.

"I didn't know you worked here," Wesley said once he caught up to Gemma.

"Yeah," Gemma didn't make eye contact as she continued stocking baby formula on the shelves. "Needed something to pay the bills back in New York while I stay here."

"Ah," Wesley nodded. "Well I'm glad I ran into you. Are you busy tonight?"


"The whole wedding party is going roller skating. It was a last minute decision; Avery said some shit about wanting to relive her childhood memories, before getting married. Thought it was dumb, but figured why not go and have fun. Did Avery tell you about it?"

Gemma shook her head no. "I don't even have Avery's number. But I don't know, Wes. I don't feel like hanging out with Avery's devil bridesmaids, especially since Marcie is working tonight so she wouldn't be able to tag along for moral support."

Wesley rolled his eyes and laughed at Gemma's nervousness. "You'll be fine, Gems. I'll be there. We're friends, right?"

Gemma sighed. He was right, it wouldn't be so bad since she wouldn't be technically alone. Gemma considered Wesley one of her best friends when she and Rowan dated. When they broke up, she missed that friendship. Aside from her siblings and Row, Wesley was one of the only people who truly knew and cared about Gemma.

"Yeah," Gemma attempted to smile, finally making eye contact.

"Come on, Gemma." Wesley begged. "I've missed hanging out with you. I don't think it's a coincidence that you're suddenly in Rowan's life again."

By the way those words left Wesley's mouth, Gemma felt a strange feeling that she could not quite pinpoint. But, it convinced her to agree, despite feeling slightly uncomfortable about being around Avery's friends without Marcie present.

"Fine," she gave in. "I'll go."


Gemma felt slightly uncomfortable as she approached the roller skating rink. She hadn't been skating since she and Rowan first started dating, and knew damn well that she was likely going to fall on her ass if she didn't stick to the wall the entire time.

It didn't take long to spot the wedding party as soon as she walked into the building. She locked eyes with Miranda when approaching the counter to pay, who rolled her eyes in response.

This was going to be a long night.

"Gemma!" Avery walked over towards Gemma, who looked confused to see her. "How'd you know we'd be here? I totally would've invited you, which reminds me! I need your number."

"Wes told me,"

"Oh, perfect! Here, type your number into my phone."

Gemma hesitated before grabbing Avery's phone and putting her contact information in. Gemma's phone number never changed, which showed her that Avery did in fact delete Gems' number all those years ago. This wasn't news to Gemma by any means; it just solidified the fact that Avery had all intentions of dropping her best friend when she met her new, sorority friends.

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