08: Bridesmaid?

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May 29th, 2020

Only four days had passed since Gemma and Marcie made the big decision of staying in Michigan for the summer, and luckily, everything had been going smoothly. Despite Gayle's constant wedding talk, and Avery's random stops by their house -- Gemma was somehow able to avoid it. The more she worried about running into Avery, though, the more she thought about running into Rowan. Although it was shocking seeing him again, after two full years, Gemma knew deep in her heart that she was fully over him and their breakup. She did sometimes wonder where the two of them would be today if she never pursued her dream in New York -- so she worried about running into him, just in case those feelings would resurface. All she could do though, was avoid him at all costs, to avoid any wondering feelings from coming back to her.

How the two ended up together was a mystery to Gemma, though she knew deep in her heart that as long as she avoided the wedding entirely, these thoughts wouldn't eat away at her.

"How's the job hunting coming along?" Marcie peeked her head into Gemma's room. She walked in, closing the door behind her, with her hair soaking wet from just taking a shower.

"Not great." Gemma sighed, closing her laptop. She couldn't find a part time job for the life of her, because everything within a thirty minute distance just wasn't hiring. The only available options Gemma was coming up with were within a few miles of her childhood home, where she did not want to work. The closer to home Gemma worked, the more she risked running into Avery or Rowan. Marcie on the other hand, did not seem to care about running into them at all.

"I have an interview at Dunkin' this afternoon," she chirped, hoping she would get the job at her favorite coffee place.

"Great," Gemma rolled her eyes. "The one that Avery goes to all the time."

"Hey," Marcie put her hands up in defense. "I'm not the one trying to avoid her. I don't mind working close to here. Plus, I don't even have a car. I need something within walking distance."

"Fair point," Gemma sighed, as she opened her laptop to try and search again. Her car wasn't here with her, either. And it would cost way too much to have it shipped to her, when she was only going to be living in Michigan temporarily. It made more sense to get a job within walking distance, so Gemma wouldn't have to borrow any family member's cars. But that came with the risk, one in which Gemma was not willing to take. 

"Still struggling to find something?" Marcie asked as she combed through her wet, messy hair.

"Yeah. All I'm coming up with is fast food places, and I never want to work in that field, again."

Every fast food place imaginable was coming up on Gemma's search list. Though after working at a poorly managed fast food restaurant throughout high school, she vowed to never work in such an environment again. The only other option was retail, though there weren't any positions Gemma was entirely interested in. And sadly -- Gemma's degree was in film. Marcie's was in fashion. In Michigan, there were basically zero jobs where their degrees could be put to use.

"Hey, what about Target?" Marcie pointed to the result on Gemma's screen.

"Maybe. Not sure if I want to be a cashier, though."

"Can't be picky. We're only going to have these jobs for two months, max. Just enough to make sure our rent is paid and maybe a little extra for spending money."

"I know," Gemma sighed. "Fine. I'll put in an application."


June 1st, 2020

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