24: Party Games

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July 10th, 2020

Gemma was just clocking out of her shift at Target when she received a text from Avery, with the address of an Airbnb. The wedding was now only three weeks away, and Avery wanted to party as much as she could before she was officially a married woman.

As she got into her car, Gemma was hesitant on if she wanted to hang around everyone in the wedding party. Ever since she rediscovered her feelings for Rowan, Gemma felt extremely uncomfortable being around them all, especially Avery.

Though when she read the rest of Avery's message, informing her that this was not a typical party, and that it was going to be huge, Gemma started to reconsider. She wasn't sure who would even be at this party, because it's not like Avery knew that many people. But when Gemma realized she could easily avoid Avery and the rest of the wedding party, going to a party did not sound so bad.

Plus, when telling Marcie about it, Gemma's best friend was quick to jump on the opportunity.

"We only have a few more weeks here until we go home and start our adult lives. Might as well party it up while we can! Plus, I had plans to hangout with Emmett tonight. I'm definitely going to invite him!"

Gemma laughed. She hadn't seen much of Marcie lately given their completely opposite schedules, and tonight was the first time in awhile that both of them were off from their jobs. Plus, she was interested in meeting the guy whom Marcie was trying to have a summer fling with -- which as far as Gemma knew, had not gone anywhere aside from flirting at work.

"You planning on hooking up with him?" Gemma curiously asked.

"Maybe," Marcie grinned. "We'll see where the night takes me."

Gemma laughed and threw a skirt Marcie's way. "This time," she said. "I'm picking your outfit."


The Airbnb was packed when Marcie and Gemma rolled up in Jax's 2009 mustang. On her way out, Jax and Marissa were also on their way out the door. Little did Gemma know, Jax and his girlfriend also received an invitation to this party. Gemma did think it was strange for her brother, who Avery barely talked to, to get an invite, but she did not question it as soon as a shot of vodka entered her system.

"Take it easy, Gemma." Jax warned. "Don't need you getting roofied again."

"She's fine, Jackson." Marissa laughed, handing Gemma another shot of a clear liquid. "This is the bride's party. I doubt there's any drugs here."

"I second that," Marcie said as soon as she finished downing a shot of tequila. "Especially since she's pregnant."

Jax's eyes widened as soon as those words left Marcie's mouth. "She is?"

"Yeah," Gemma chimed in. "I'm surprised you never noticed."

"I uh - " Jax cleared his throat. "I never look at Avery, so how the hell would I notice?"

"Probably because she's at our house like four times a week wedding planning with mom?" Gemma scoffed. She did not mean to sound snippy, but the alcohol in her system was already making her tipsy.

"Whatever," Jax rolled his eyes. "If you need Marissa or me, we'll be partying."

"Hell yeah, babe!" Marissa smiled while pouring herself another shot. Jax and his girlfriend disappeared into the crowd, leaving Gemma and Marcie alone at the liquor table.

Just as Gemma was turning to her best friend, Marcie's phone screen lit up. "Emmett is here! I'm gonna go find him, wanna come?"

Gemma shook her head. "You go. Have fun. I'm gonna go find Wes."

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