03: A Sudden Appearance

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May 21st, 2020

Gemma swore she never felt her eyes grow so wide. She probably looked like a crazy person, with her eyes the size of golf balls and her mouth slightly open. But how else was she supposed to react? Her old best friend of nearly twelve years was standing right in front of her, as if she never ditched Gemma in the first place. She was shocked by Avery engulfing her in her arms not just once, but twice.

"I know you're excited to see me, but I didn't know you'd be so excited that you're speechless!" Avery laughed, her straight-teethed smile so clean, it was blinding. Gemma felt as if she was going to pass out, though before she could, her sister's voice was heard from behind her.

"Who is at the door?" Olivia asked, though before giving Gemma the chance to respond, she turned around and saw the one and only, Avery Nelson, for herself. "Holy shit," Liv's eyes widened, almost to the same size as Gemma's.

Waving at Olivia, who looked as if she'd just seen a ghost — Avery walked into the house she once spent every weekend at, without giving Gemma the chance to speak. She had yet to speak, since she opened the door and met face-to-face with Avery, only thirty seconds ago.

"What - " Gemma's voice cracked. "What are you doing here?" the words fell off her tongue quickly, though a lack of confidence and pure shock was laced thick between her words.

"I'm sure you got my wedding invitation, did you not?"

"Who's here?" Gayle peeked her head into the living room, giving Gemma more time to wonder what the fuck she was going to say to her ex best friend. To Gemma's surprise, her mother did not seem appalled as Avery stalked through their living room. Jax, who was sitting next to Liv, was fast asleep with his airpods in his ears - so he likely could not even hear the shitshow that was going down only a few feet away from him. "Oh, Avery." Gayle nodded.

Marcie peeked her head into the room as well, eyeing Avery confusingly. In the photos the two were looking at only less than an hour ago, Avery looked entirely different. Her hair was now bright red -- likely the result of bleach, and a few tattoos took up her legs.

Avery hated tattoos. Gemma eyed the dolphins on her calf, and the flowers on her ankles in confusion.

"I didn't think you were coming until tomorrow," Gayle spoke again, immediately grabbing Gemma's attention. She looked back and forth between her mother and Avery, and it was in that moment -- a lightbulb went off in Marcie's head.

"Ohhh," she mumbled, putting two and two together. Liv watched the scene unfold before her, shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth. "This is Avery." Marcie whispered so low, she wasn't sure if anyone could hear her. Gemma heard, though she was too focused on why her mother seemed unphased by Avery's sudden appearance.

"She had plans to come over?" Gemma questioned, trying to put together the thousand piece puzzle in front of her. "What is going on?"

"Yeah," Liv spoke up, for the first time since Avery arrived. "I'd like to know too,"

"Like I said," Avery laughed a piercing laugh. She turned towards Gemma, smiling at her as if they were still best friends. "You got my wedding invite, correct?"

"Um - " Gemma nodded slowly. "Yes."

Talking to Avery felt so weird. For a moment, Gemma wasn't sure if she was dreaming. Even if she was, this wouldn't be a dream. It was a nightmare.

"Well, I sent one to your parents too, and your mom and I have been talking over the past few weeks."

"You have?" Gemma and Olivia said in unison.

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