10: College Friends. Friends Who Studied Together.

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June 4th, 2020

Gemma awoke the next morning with a pounding headache; her body still covered in the dark blue strapless dress from the night before. The natural light from her bedroom window was blinding her as she eyed the room for a sleeping Marcie, who was passed out on the air mattress beside Gemma's bed, also still wearing her outfit from the night before.

The time on Gemma's phone read 11:19AM. She didn't remember getting home last night. She didn't remember much from last night, at all, aside from taking more shots than her body could handle, per Marcie's bad influence.

Despite the pounding of her head, Gemma never slept in past 9AM. She forced her fatigued body out of bed, waking up Marcie in the process.

"What time is it?" Marcie asked, her voice groggy and thick with exhaustion.

"Almost 11:30," Gemma yawned. "I have no memories of last night."

"Me too," Marcie mumbled, her eyes still closed. "I made out with some hot guy and that's the last thing I remember."

Gemma tried to remember, but the last thing she could recall was watching her best friend grind on said hot guy.

"We should probably get out of these clothes," Gemma pointed to the clothes both herself and Marcie were wearing from the night before.

"Holy shit," Marcie groaned. "How the hell did we get back last night?"

"Probably an Uber," Gemma shrugged. "I'm gonna go shower. I smell like sweat and vodka."

"Mhm," Marcie mumbled, her head hitting the pillow on the air mattress. Before Gemma was even out of her bedroom, Marcie was fast asleep, again.

As Gemma sloppily made her way towards the bathroom across the hall from her bedroom, she was surprised to see Olivia standing in the mirror.

"Morning, sunshine." Liv joked. She laughed as she eyed Gemma's hungover appearance. "Remember how you got home last night?"

Gemma pondered for a moment, though her brain was coming up blank given her scattered memories of the night before.

"An Uber?" She questioned, though she had a feeling that Olivia knew the real answer.

"Nope. Jax and I picked you up. You texted me saying your Uber app wasn't working and thankfully Jax was awake. Mom won't let me drive past curfew, so Jax drove and I tagged along."

Gemma pressed her palm to her forehead in embarrassment. "Did I say anything embarrassing?"

Liv shook her head. "No. You basically fell asleep in the car ride back. Jax and I had to carry you upstairs."


"Don't be. It was funny seeing you like that," Liv smiled. "I'm just glad you're home."


After a much needed shower that lasted way longer than Gemma intended, she felt slightly less hungover than before. Surprisingly, Marcie was awake and scrolling through Twitter when Gemma walked back in.

"Food," Marcie groaned as she placed her hand over her empty stomach. "I need food. Maybe McDonalds?"

"Don't you need to shower?" Gemma laughed.

"Food is more important. I'll shower after." Marcie shrugged. She changed out of her dress from the night before and instead wore a tube top and a pair of pajama shorts. Her hair was placed in a messy bun on top of her head and although she desperately needed to cleanse herself of the vodka and random hot guy, Marcie longed for an Egg McMuffin to help her hungover stomach.

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