16: Food Poisoning

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June 17th, 2020

For days, all Gemma had done was work shifts at Target, even going out of her way to pick up additional hours so she would not have to deal with the wedding. Avery had been over often, planning things such as table placements, who would sit at each table, what kind of music would play, what kind of food there would be, and so much more that Gemma could barely remember, since she was trying to distance herself from it all due to all the awkwardness she'd faced lately. She kept wondering if all this wedding stuff was even worth it, though tried to tell herself that all she had to do was be there the day of the wedding, and occasionally attend get-togethers with everyone else involved. Gemma knew that Miranda and Peyton did not like her, but having Wes around helped. His presence made it easier to get through all the wedding antics. Although she had closure with Rowan, Gemma just did not fully feel comfortable being around him when he was with Avery, and she couldn't pinpoint why. It was likely just the strangeness of seeing her ex and her ex best friend together, which she still didn't fully understand. But like she told herself and Marcie, the past was in the past. Once the wedding was over, Gemma would never have to see Rowan or Avery again.

When Gemma walked through the door at 6:28, after her shift at Target had ended, she was surprised to see a few of Olivia's friends scattered around the living room.

And that's when it hit her.

"Happy birthday Liv!"

She didn't necessarily forget her sister's birthday. Gemma had not been paying much attention to the dates lately, considering she'd been working nonstop for the last few days.

"Thanks," Liv didn't look up from the movie that was playing on the TV. It was one of her favorites, one that she watched all the time with her friends: Clueless.

Letting her sister enjoy the movie, Gemma walked into the kitchen to find her mom baking a cake. Though to her surprise, Gayle was not alone.

Not only was Avery standing in the kitchen beside Gayle, but Rowan was, too.

Gemma could never catch a break, it seemed.

"Hello," Gemma mumbled when nobody in the kitchen noticed her presence.

"Oh, Gemma!" Gayle smiled. She put down the baking soda she was currently using, and walked over to hug her daughter.

"Not to be rude," Gemma started, which caused Rowan to roll his eyes. "But why are they here?"

Before Gayle could respond, Avery spoke for her. "We came over last minute to go over some cake tasting locations, because we're trying out different wedding cakes tomorrow!" The bride to be squealed at the thought of wedding cakes. "And since it's Liv's birthday, your mom invited us over to stay."

Gemma forced a smile on her face. This was her sister's birthday. A family occasion. It didn't make sense for Avery and Rowan to be here. Years ago, this was an occasion that Rowan would typically be invited to. But not anymore.

"Great," it was obvious that Gemma was irritated, but she didn't care. "Well, if you need me, I'll be upstairs."

Nobody responded as she walked away. Gemma quickly removed her work uniform and changed into something more comfortable: a University of  Michigan tee shirt and a pair of tight pajama shorts. She could have dressed up given the occasion, but after a long 8 hour shift, Gemma did not care to look nice. She wanted to be comfortable.

When she walked back downstairs, the kitchen and living room were empty. She noticed everyone outside in the backyard, and just as she was about to join, the front door opened.

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