11: Mixed Drinks

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TW: Drug usage/negative reactions to drugs. If you don't feel comfortable reading this chapter, feel free to message me and I will give you a summary of the chapter!


June 5th, 2020

Gemma was not expecting her first day working retail to be so exhausting. But after three employees had called off, Gemma was forced to work the floor instead of getting paid to watch a bunch of training videos. So, her entire eight hour shift consisted of cleaning up the store, specifically the toddler section which was a mess from groups of children coming in throughout the day. Gemma sighed as she folded more baby clothes than her cramped up fingers could handle. She wished she was using her film degree this summer, but unfortunately, Michigan just wasn't the state for aspiring film makers.

When she finally dragged her feet through the door at 7PM, she wanted nothing more than to watch American Horror Story and pass out. Though when she walked into her room to see Marcie wearing party clothes, she immediately knew that her best friend had other plans.

"How was your first day at Target?" Marcie asked as she applied bright pink lipstick to her lips.

"Exhausting. Not sure how I'm going to last working there all summer," Gemma admitted. She stripped herself of the bright red shirt she was required to wear, leaving her in only a sports bra and dress pants. She fell back on her bed, taking off the dress pants in the process and covering herself with her childhood blankets, with every intention of going to sleep.

"Well get up," Marcie laughed. "We're going to a party!"

"Why?" Gemma groaned. She placed the blanket over her face so she couldn't see Marcie anymore, as if that was going to save her from attending whatever party her best friend was talking about.

"Because your brother and his girlfriend invited us. I got to meet Marissa; she's so cool! She reminds me of my future self."

"She's definitely a partier," Gemma mumbled, closing her eyes.

"Don't you fall asleep on me. I worked all day at Dunkin' making latte's and you don't see me trying to go to sleep before 8PM!"

Gemma groaned. She didn't want to attend a party; likely one of Jax's friends parties -- which usually got out of control. Though she knew Marcie would feel awkward going without her, so Gemma couldn't help but feel obligated.

"Fine," She sighed. But we're only staying two hours."


Two hours quickly turned into three as Gemma, Marcie, Jax, and Marissa found themselves playing multiple games of beer pong.

"I have never been so drunk," Gemma burped as she downed yet another beer, or whatever was in the red solo cups. Jax and Marissa, on the other hand, handled their alcohol well so both of them barely appeared drunk. Marcie was just as drunk as Gemma, though she was using it to her advantage to show off her beer pong skills. The more drunk she was, the better she played.

"Wanna take a break? We've been playing for an hour." Marissa yelled over the loud rap music playing throughout Jax's friends house.

"Yeah. Let's go find the guys." Jax insisted. "You two okay on your own?" He asked in a protective tone.

Gemma drunkenly rolled her eyes. "I can take care of myself, Jax."

"Me too!" Marcie laughed.

"Just checking," he shrugged. "Just want to make sure you're good."

"I'm good," Gemma promised. She knew her brother was just being protective, given this was her first house party since she'd been back home. She didn't know anyone really, aside from a few of Jax's friends. But Gemma was with Marcie, so she figured she'd be fine.

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