27: Shocked. Confused. Angry.

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Trigger Warning: Miscarriage. If you do not want to read this chapter, message me and I will give you a summary :)


July 26th, 2020


Avery was laying on the couch, watching an old rerun of Full House when she felt an intense pain in her stomach. 

The pregnancy pain had been bad lately, though her doctor said this was normal. Her uterus was just expanding, the doctor had told her. So it was normal to experience such bad cramping as she was. 

Avery tried to push the pain aside by focusing on the television in front of her. It was difficult to focus on the episode of Full House that she'd seen at least a hundred times, because the pain was not subsiding. No matter how Avery moved, the pain stayed the same. Her doctor had given her certain ways to position her body to relieve the pain, though none of them were working. She reached over and grabbed the heating pad next to the couch, hoping that would be the cure to her god awful cramping. Avery tried to focus on her breathing while the large, blue pad heated up, though that was not working, either.

"Fuck." she aggressively breathed outward, turning the heating pad on its highest setting. It did not take long for it to heat up, and even while it was on the hottest setting, it was also not helping with the pain, which Avery noticed was getting worse. 

She attempted to sit up on the couch, with the hope of standing up and walking to the bathroom. It was difficult to move, as Avery placed her feet flat on the floor. Placing her hand over her stomach, she slowly stood up, yelping out in pain in the process. The twenty-two minute episode of Full House that began as soon as her pain started, ended once Avery finally got herself into the bathroom. That meant it took her twenty-two minutes to try and heal her pain, and also walk slowly into the bathroom with her hand clutching her pained stomach.

She sifted through the medicine cabinet in attempt to look for some kind of medicine she could take. All she had were her pregnancy related vitamins, but Avery figured those were not going to do much. Whenever the pain got this bad, the heating pad always helped to subside it. Avery was confused on why the heating pad did not help this time, and why the pain was growing worse. Throughout her entire pregnancy this far, the pain was never this bad. 

Though she knew it would not help much, Avery popped the vitamins into her mouth. She tried to focus on chewing, instead of the drastic pain in her stomach, though that was no use, either. No matter what she did, she could not focus on anything else, aside from the crippling pain.

Avery stood up taller from where she leaned over the sink, in attempt to walk out of the room. Though as soon as her eyes found the floor, she gasped.

There was blood. Blood trickling down her legs, forming a small puddle on the floor around her feet. It was bright red blood, the kind her doctor warned her about in case something like this would ever happen.

"No," Avery choked out, immediately feeling tears stream down her face. "No!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

The pain was only increasing. But Avery forced herself out of the bathroom, towards where her phone was plugged in on the couch. Her feet gave out once she reached the couch. She fell to her knees, screaming in pain as the blood kept dripping down her body. She was able to reach her phone, and despite its battery only showing twenty-five percent, she dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My - My baby," Avery was starting to feel dizzy. "I think I'm having a miscarriage."

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