18: Birthdays Are Always Hard

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June 23rd, 2020

Two days later and for a reason Gemma still did not understand, she was bothered by the bombshell dropped on her by Marcie about Avery's pregnancy.

So, like Gemma always did, she drowned herself in shifts at Target to distract herself from the things that bothered her. At this point she was burnt out, though the hours she was working made for some great paychecks. Rent in New York had to be paid, somehow.

Gemma was busy stocking the women's clothes when a familiar voice called her name. Not that Gemma did not want to see him, though she wondered why he did not shop at the Target closer to his house.

"Gems!" Wesley called, stopping his cart to talk to Gemma.

"Why do you always come to this Target? The other one is so much closer,"

Wes shrugged. "This one is bigger and has what I'm looking for. Plus you work here."

Gemma didn't know how to respond. Instead, she continued to stock the shelves.

"Anyways," Wes continued the conversation. "Today's my mom's birthday and we're having dinner for her tonight. I told her you're back in Michigan, and she got excited. She wants to see you."

Gemma stopped folding a tee shirt. She sighed. The last thing she wanted was to be around Rowan and his family, considering the weird feelings that were brewing inside her. She did miss Charlotte; Rowan and Wesley's mom. When Rowan and Gemma were together, Charlotte was like a second mom to Gems. She often thought that Charlotte cared more about her than Gayle, given her natural motherly instincts that Gemma's mother lacked.

"I don't know..." Gemma sighed.

"Why not? What else could you have planned after work?" Wes called Gemma out, knowing damn well she had no plans after this.

"I just don't know if I want to be around Rowan and Avery — " Gemma started, though she wasn't sure if she should tell Wesley that she knew about Avery's... situation.

"Well same," Wesley agreed, "But I'm going to do it for my mom."

Gemma closed her eyes, trying to figure out how she was going to word what she wanted to say. Avery couldn't hide her pregnancy forever, given she would start showing a noticeable baby bump within the coming weeks. The entire bridal party was going to know at some point, if they didn't already. Though as Gemma pictured the maid of honor and other bridesmaid, she had a feeling they already knew, because why wouldn't Avery tell them?

"Wes," Gemma spoke slowly. "I know that Avery's pregnant."

Wesley's eyes widened. He knew that Gemma would find out eventually, but did not think today would be that day. That was something Avery did not want anybody to know — because she feared people would accuse her of only marrying Rowan due to the fact that she was carrying his child.

Which Wes believed was the case. But nobody would hear him out when he would bring this to anyone's attention.

"How did you find out?" He asked, surprised that Gemma appeared to be so calm about it.

Gemma explained how she knew. From Avery's trip to Dunkin' while Marcie was working, to Marcie's eavesdropping of Avery's conversation with her doctor. She left out the part where she felt strange about the whole thing, because how was she supposed to explain it to Wes, when she couldn't even understand it herself?

"Damn," Wesley laughed. "Seems like she wasn't even trying to make it discreet."

"Or," Gemma interjected, "Marcie is just really good at eavesdropping."

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