05: Walk Down Memory Lane

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May 22nd, 2020

When Gemma told herself two years ago, that she would never see him again, she thought she meant it. When she made the decision her brain did not want to make, but her heart knew was right -- she thought that was the last she would see of him. Never in a million years, did she imagine stumbling upon the brown eyes she'd come to love and the hair she could run her fingers through for hours. Never in a million years, after making such a life changing decision, did Gemma imagine she would see Rowan Taylor again. Especially, not like this.

Though here she was, standing in the middle of Clementine's, with her mouth slightly agape and her eyes noticeably watering. Olivia looked back and forth between Rowan and Gemma, not knowing what the hell to say. What even was there to say? She couldn't help but notice the unphased looks on the faces of her mother and Jax. They sat at the long table, staring at their menus, paying no attention to the shit show that was quickly unfolding before them. Liv couldn't help but wonder why they were paying no attention to the very obvious tension arising in the room.

Marcie, on the other hand, looked back and forth between Avery, Olivia, Gemma, and Rowan —who she didn't recognize at all. Although, the way he was looking at Gemma, with wide eyes and nothing but shock covering his attractive facial features, gave Marcie the idea that Gemma knew him. The way she was looking at him, with her mouth agape and nearly in tears, told Marcie everything she needed to know in the moment unfolding before her. Gemma had some sort of history with this guy -- history in which she'd never told Marcie about. He had to be the other person that Gemma was so scared of running into, on this trip to Michigan.

"R-Rowan?" Gemma's shaky breath muttered. The more she looked into the brown eyes she once loved more than anything, the more panicked she felt. Only thirty seconds had to have passed since she locked eyes with him, though it felt as if they were staring at each other for much longer. Rowan was the first to break their gaze, as soon as his name fell from his bride to be's lips.

"Row?" Avery interrupted the stare down happening between her fiancé and former friend. Gemma's heart sank as the nickname only she used for him, fell so effortlessly from Avery's lips. "Do you two know each other?"

"We - " Rowan began, though was immediately cut off by Gemma, who was barely fighting back her tears.

"I need a minute," Gemma's quiet voice muttered. Before anyone had the chance to interject, she ripped her arm out of Marcie's grip and took off towards the restroom of Clementine's. Thankfully, Gemma knew exactly where the restrooms were located, given she'd been to this restaurant a million times as a child. She was grateful to find the restroom empty upon entering, not hesitating before she sunk into one of the stalls, with her back pressed up against the wall. It didn't take long before Marcie and Liv busted into the restroom, looking for a distressed Gemma.

"Gems?" Marcie called out, looking underneath the stall doors. Thankfully they were empty -- or else that would have been extremely weird.

"In here," Gemma mumbled, not realizing there was tears streaming down her face. She wiped away the liquid falling from her eyes, though she knew it was no use. Given the scene she made in the dining room, Gemma knew Marcie was going to make her talk about it. Gemma knew that the second she took that walk down memory lane, she was going to break out in a fit of waterworks.

"Hey," Olivia crouched down beside Gemma, lacing her fingers with hers and lifting her up. Liv guided her sister out of the small stall, gulping as she saw the fresh tears streaming down Gemma's face. She knew exactly why her sister was crying, though due to the shock Olivia was also feeling from seeing Rowan Taylor, she had no idea what to say. "So, that was weird."

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