06: Staying Inside Didn't Sound Too Bad

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May 22nd, 2020

Despite Marcie and Olivia telling Gemma she was being dramatic, she was going to do whatever she could to avoid Avery and Rowan.

Thankfully, the dining room of Clementine's grew in the time the three were in the restroom, so when Gemma planned her escape, she was able to easily sneak past the table she was supposed to be sitting at. Rowan and Avery's backs were turned towards Gemma, so if anyone did see her escape, it would've been Gayle and Jax. Gemma couldn't help but cringe as she snuck past, as her eyes immediately landed on Rowan and Avery's hands, which were laced together. The thought of how the hell they ended up together was going to eat away at Gemma for the rest of the time she was in Michigan. 

"Can we change our flight, please?" Gemma begged as Marcie and Olivia followed her out of the restaurant. She knew her father's birthday was the next day, and she didn't want to have to miss it. But after seeing Rowan Taylor for the first time in two years, she wanted nothing more than to be on a plane flying back to New York. 

"I want to say no," Marcie sighed, knowing how badly Gayle wanted the girls to stay in Michigan for the rest of the trip, as well as the rest of the summer. It didn't make sense to Marcie, why exactly Gayle was pushing for them to stay for the wedding. 

"It's for the wedding!" she told Marcie, only this morning. 

"Yeah, I get that, but -- " Marcie sighed, though was quickly interrupted by Gemma's persistent mother.

"Avery is sorry, I know she is. When she reached out to me and asked me to help in planning the wedding, she begged me to try and have Gemma to attend. Avery really wants Gemma to be there, and I think it will be good for the girls to make amends on the falling out they had all those years ago. They were good for each other."

Marcie didn't know how to reply. She was silently begging that Liv and Gems would be back from Dunkin' soon, because she no longer wanted to be having this conversation with Gayle. 

There were a number of things Marcie wanted to say:

"Gemma and Avery don't need to rekindle their friendship, considering their falling out was four years ago."

Or --

"Gemma doesn't need to rekindle her best friend status with Avery, she has me now." 

Marcie didn't say either of those, though. She felt it wasn't her place to try and change Gayle's mind. She really wanted to though, somehow, because she didn't understand why Gemma's mother was so persistent on her daughter attending her ex best friend's wedding.

So instead, she said: "I'm sorry, Gayle. I just don't think Gemma wants that. If she doesn't want to go, then we can't make her."

"Marcie, that wasn't apart of our deal!" Gayle laughed, her loud laughter piercing through Marcie's ears at this early time of the morning. She wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, instead of talking to Gemma's mother about pressing topics, this early in the morning. 

"Our deal was for me to get Gemma back home for your husband's birthday, and try to convince her to attend the wedding. But it's clear now, she doesn't want to go. I did what you asked of me, Gayle. I brought her here. But she wants no part in this entire thing." Marcie explained. 

She wished she didn't get so caught up in this entire thing. It was just a wedding -- a wedding that Gemma had no interest in attending, so Marcie didn't understand why Gayle kept pushing for Gemma to be there. 

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