09: Some Kind of Closure

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June 3rd, 2020

Two days had passed since Avery mentioned the completely unexpected and absurd question, of asking Gemma to be her bridesmaid. Thankfully in the last two days, Gemma was able to avoid the wedding planning at all costs, considering she had her Target interview today and was hired on the spot. Given her onboarding and training did not start until two days later, Gemma figured she may as well celebrate, since both she and Marcie were able to secure part time jobs for their summer stay in Gemma's home town. It was Marcie's idea to go out to a bar, despite it being a Wednesday, not only to celebrate getting jobs, though to start out the summer right.

As the Uber dropped Gemma and Marcie off at Gemma's favorite college bar by the University of Michigan, the two were surprised to see the bar was packed for a weekday. All the college crowds were officially on summer break though as of a few weeks ago, so the packed bar full of college students made some sense as post-grads Gemma and Marcie walked in.

"I should've worn something else," Gemma yelled over the loud music as she tugged the strapless dark blue dress over her thighs. She hadn't worn the tight piece of clothing in years; it was one of many outfits Gemma left behind when she moved to New York. Given her stay in Michigan was only going to be a few days, Gemma did not bring many clothes, so she and Marcie were stuck wearing her old clothes from high school and her first few years of college. Thankfully, the two wore the same size in almost everything, though Gemma did not feel as comfortable wearing the revealing dress as it rode up her thighs, every time she pushed through the crowds forming within the packed college bar.

"No way!" Marcie responded as she made her way towards the bar. She sat on an empty barstool, motioning for Gemma to sit on the empty one beside her, before some random college kid took it. "You look great!"

"Re-wearing my old wardrobe wasn't what I had in mind," Gemma laughed. She watched a bar tender make his way towards where she and Marcie sat. "I thought Liv would be wearing this stuff by now."

"She doesn't have the boobs for that dress," Marcie laughed as she eyed the college bar's menu. "No offense to her, but you're rocking it!"

"Whatever. What are you ordering?"

"Vodka tonic! This place is cheap! Why can't bars in New York have drinks this cheap?" Marcie gawked as she eyed the menu. She could order three drinks at this middle-of-nowhere college bar, for the price of one at any of New York's typical college bars.

"That's the beauty of the Midwest!" Gemma grinned, ready to get drunk for cheap.

The bar tender finally made his way over to where they sat. Marcie did not hesitate to order multiple drinks and shots, because she wanted to get drunk fast. Gemma watched as Marcie downed the vodka tonics, followed by a shot of Pink Whitney. "Slow down!" she grabbed Marcie's hand which was headed for another shot. This was how Marcie drank: her motto being go big, or go home.

"Shh," Marcie bat Gemma's hand away. "No one knows me here! I can handle my liquor!"

"Can you though?" Gemma jokingly rolled her eyes, her memories filled of many parties where she had to hold Marcie's hair back while she vomited from drinking way too much.

"Don't be a buzzkill. You've only had two of your shots!"

"That's because I'm not trying to die this early in the night." Gemma checked her phone. The two had only been there for twenty minutes, and she was barely feeling a buzz. Marcie, on the other hand, was already drunk and ready to dance.

"Come on, Gems! Down those drinks, and let's go dance! The dance floor will sober you up."

Gemma hesitated before eyeing the two vodka tonics Marcie ordered for her. She shrugged, knowing Marcie was not always the best influence when it came to alcohol, but not caring at the same time. After all, she wasn't driving, and it had been awhile since she let loose. Her last year of college kicked her ass, and her senior year internship on top of taking fifteen credit hours each semester did not give her much of a chance to party.

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