14: Bitchy Bridesmaids

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June 12th, 2020

Gemma was more than thankful when she realized that she was not scheduled for a shift at Target that night. Marcie on the other hand, still had to work, but managed to get out of her closing shift and clocked out at 5pm. Gemma practically begged her best friend to get the night off, so she wouldn't have to attend this get together alone.

"I literally just started working there," Marcie groaned when Gemma begged, and begged, for her to call off work. "I haven't been there long enough to cash in any favors."

"Just say you have a headache?" Gemma suggested. Marcie rolled her eyes, and although she had a perfect work ethic, a part of her wanted to attend this party just so Gems wouldn't be by herself. Marcie did think it was weird, that she, an outsider to the wedding was able to go -- considering it was just the bridal party attending. But after witnessing the wrath of Avery, she wanted to attend to witness any juicy details that may occur during the party.

"Fine," Marcie acted like she was annoyed, but deep down she wasn't. This was only a service industry job, after all. It wasn't like this was Marcie's fashion career that she was skipping out on. Faking a headache for one shift at Dunkin, where she only made eleven dollars an hour, wouldn't hurt her. "I'll go."

"Thank you!" Gemma screamed, quickly covering her mouth when she realized her voice had echoed throughout her childhood bedroom.

So now here they were, standing outside of the Airbnb that Avery rented for the weekend, with overnight bags in their hands. Both Gemma and Marcie did not know how to dress for the occasion, and as they saw people through the windows of the medium sized house, they realized they were underdressed.

Gemma wore a black and white striped tube top and a plain pair of black ripped shorts with simple black sandals, which she recently bought with her Target employee discount. Marcie wore a casual strapless sundress that was plain yellow, with simple white sandals that she used Gemma's Target employee discount to buy. Everyone in the house though, was dressed head to toe in clubbing-like clothes. Gemma gulped, feeling out of place.

"Stop overthinking it," Marcie shrugged, as if she was reading her best friends' mind. "Let's go in."

"This is the first time I'm going to see them... together." Gemma sighed, wondering if this truly was a good idea.

"Having second thoughts?" Marcie asked as she started walking up the porch steps.

"No," Gemma was quick to answer. "The past is in the past, remember?"

"Whatever you say," Marcie mumbled, not quite believing her best friend, but ready to get in there anyways and let loose for a night.

Music was blasting as soon as the two walked in. The first thing Gemma noticed was a beer pong table set up in the dining room, and a table with flip cup set up in the living room. Looks like she and Marcie would be getting drunk tonight, whether they liked it or not.

"Gemma!" Avery's voice boomed throughout the house. She turned the music volume down on her phone, making her way towards Gemma and Marcie who stood in the entrance. "And Marcie! So glad you could make it!"

Marcie looked around the room, eyeing Rowan whose eyes appeared to be on Gemma... or Avery? Marcie couldn't tell. He appeared to be shocked, as if he wasn't expecting his ex girlfriend to walk in. Perhaps Avery did not tell him.

"Gemma?" a voice from next to Rowan sounded throughout the now quieter room. Gemma's eyes widened at the sight of Wesley, Rowan's younger brother, who she hadn't seen in years.

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