23: The Difference Between Avery and Gemma

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July 5th, 2020

The wedding was officially four weeks away. Gemma had not been working at Target as much due to severe burnout, which was nice -- until she had to lock herself in her room to avoid Avery and wedding planning. 

Ever since Gemma realized her feelings for Rowan were still there, she was trying to avoid wedding related things at all costs. She knew it wasn't right, but it hurt her to see Avery so happy about getting married, and about the baby they will be welcoming in seven months. Thankfully Gemma would be long gone by then and back in New York, but Avery's excitement still pained her.

All she had to do was get through the wedding, and she would be on the next plane back to New York.

Today, however, was not a day Gemma could avoid. She gulped as she stood outside David's Bridal, not prepared to see herself in a bridesmaid dress, nor Avery in a wedding dress. 

"Come on," Marcie attempted to drag Gemma into the building, though she stood still on the walkway.

"I can't," Gemma shook her head. "I don't think I can do this."

Marcie stopped in her tracks, giving up on trying to lure her best friend into the building. She turned to face Gemma, who just stared at the large letters spelling out David's Bridal.

"All we have to do is go in, try on the bridesmaid dress Avery picked out for you, and then leave. Hopefully by then, she'll still be looking for dresses so you won't even have to see her in it."

Gemma inhaled and exhaled slowly. "Okay." she agreed.

Marcie walked into the store, with Gemma following close behind. It didn't take long to spot Avery, who was sitting just outside the dressing rooms with Miranda and Peyton.

"Gemma! Marcie!" she squealed. 

"Hi," Marcie said flatly. Gemma didn't say hello but instead, gulped as she saw a row of pink bridesmaids dresses on a rack next to Avery.

Just as Avery was going to speak again, a David's Bridal employee approached the group.

"Which one of you is the bride?" she asked. Avery immediately raised her hand with a grin on her face. "You can come with me to start looking at some dresses, and you can bring one person from the wedding party with you."

Avery did not hesitate before choosing Miranda to come with her.

"Perfect!" the employee smiled. "Now, the rest of you can begin looking through this rack of dresses Avery picked out for you. You should find your size with a note on the hanger with your name on it."

Peyton found her pink bridesmaids dress immediately while Avery and Miranda walked towards the many rows of wedding dresses. Gemma waited until Peyton was in the dressing room to find her dress. She hesitated before walking into the dressing room, despite Marcie basically pushing her into the small box of a room.

The light pink, silk bridesmaid dress with only one strap fit Gemma perfectly. She spun around in the mirror, surprised at how well the dress fit around her body. She did not even tell Avery what size dress she wore, simply because the bride to be never asked. Though somehow, Avery chose the perfect size for Gemma.

"Does it fit?" Marcie asked from behind the door. Instead of answering, Gemma opened the door to show her best friend.

Marcie's eyes widened. "You look so good!"

Gemma smiled, though it was a sad one. The dress did look good, but she wasn't excited for the event she'd be wearing it for. 

"Thanks," she sighed. "Now, let's just pay for this thing so I can get out of here."

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