That Friendly Alpha [8]

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I decided to walk back home, just pushing my bicycle as I took a step one by one. I was still thinking about what I should do.

"But we're not sure how true are these facts, maybe you can ask someone senior first," Bernard had said before I left. I knew he only wanted to make me feel better and not to think too much about it. But how could I?

I didn't want to hurt Jayson even further especially his wolf but at the same time I am not ready to tell him about it. I... I just do not want him as a mate. I didn't have any feelings for him just yet - at least not love and I'd like it to just stay that way.

But I'm stuck or rather not given a proper choice. I can choose to just stay quiet and perhaps stay away from Jayson but it was impossible because Jayson would approach everyone and I wasn't going to be excluded. If I were to continue being friends with him, then that means I would be leading on his wolf.

Urgh! I'm confused! Either way, whatever the decisions that I'd make, it would be very selfish of me. Oh Moon Goddess, help me!

A blast ringing tone from my phone startled me from my very intense thinking and I quickly reached it from the inside of my sling bag. Bernard's name was clear on the screen.

"Hello," I answered boringly.

"Promise? Where are you?" Bernard boomed right away.

"I'm still on my way home. What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? It's been almost two hours and you're not there yet? Jayson called me about 5 minutes ago and he said he wanted to talk to you because he didn't have your number yet and I told him that you've left two hours ago. He's so panic at home and I think he's gonna send out a search party. Now, where exactly are you?" Bernard nagged and even though I knew he only cared about me, nagging wasn't exactly what I needed at that point of time.

"I'm reaching home soon. Tell him not to worry and there's no need to send out any search party," I said and heard Bernard sigh at the end of the line.

"Promise, I know there's a lot going on in your mind but I'm sure you're gonna make the right decision with an open mind. Don't think too much like this, Promise. It will only make you feel a whole lot more stressful," Bernard advised. His voice had softened down which I appreciated.

"Thanks Bernard. I'll be fine. I'll find you if there's anything, you know it."

"Yeahs, I know. Now go home safely and let me know when you've reached okay?"

"Alright," and I cut off the line before continuing with my journey home. It had indeed been two hours.

* * *

"Beatrix, where have you been?!" Jayson's voice, loud and clear startled me when I was pouring myself a glass of water, exhausted from my 2 and half hours walk home. I jumped and when Jayson realized that he had startled me, he apologized.

"No worries," I told him, "I went for a walk after I left Bernard's place."

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