Are you Serious

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I wake up (to the thought my head time to see the world and get up out of this bed ) to the sound of chirping. I love Ireland, I lay in my bed and just think. I think about life, friends and my necklace. I wonder what the gem is, I mean it changes colour. What gem does that, I might ask Luna she knows about things like this. I remain there. Smack I sit up and see a owl on the ground. I get up open the door to their balcony and take the letter out of Dracos owls beak. What does he want, I think to myself. I walk back in and go out the door down the steps, I open the letter while grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and going up the steps. It read.
Dear Cristal
It's ross, you know how I said I needed space from are relationship I know I call are dates off often, to often really. I swear I will change. I know Gryffindors and Slytherins are sworn enemies but no one needs to know about it. Please I still love you.
From your ex ex boyfriend ross

What the actual Merlin does he think hes doing with his life. What happened Pansy say no poor him like we are never getting back together. I feel a sticky substance on my right hand. I look to see my apple basically cremated. I walk back to the kitchen throw the apple in the bin, go over to the fridge get some chocolate and ice-cream make my self a hot coco and go out to the garden slip through the gap in the fence with my pad and quill of course. I head straight to the hill. I trudge up the hill. So steep, so god damn steep. I reach the top and put my stuff down. Sit down and eat the ice-cream first.

Seamus POV

"Mam have you seen Cristal" I shout going out to my balcony. "No is she in the field" she replys, I look over to the hill and see a silhouette if a girl. What she doing over there it's nearly dinner time. I run down the steps and head to the back door. "Put your coat on it looks like it will rain" my mam says holding my coat. I run back grab it, and run out the door I go through the gap in the fence. I run up the hill to see her crying. I sit next to her, well um what do I do. I uh put my arm round her is that the right thing to do. She looks at me and smiles guess so. She full on hugs me and just crys I hold her and just let her cry. Like what was I suppose to do, find out whats wrong. Yh that would be a good thing, I take a deep breath ok this will work and I give her advice which was good and helps. Or she ends up slapping me and running away. "If you don't mind me asking whats wrong" I ask. She doesn't say anything just hands me a letter, I read it. She has a boyfriend or did, I fully understand now well kinda leave me alone I'm 11 but I like a girl, Seamus stop your giving more reasons. I stand up and pull her into a massive hug, "don't get back together with the dock just tell him it's not gunna happen" I say partly for me the rest for her sake. "I won't but I wanna make it clear to him warn the other girls  school" she says, I pull her out the hug. "Then write a song and sing it in front of the school" I say. Trying to get eye contact but she's looking at the ground, "perfect and will you help me write it" she says looking up but not giving me the eye contact. Like how hard is it to get eye contact well it's sure proving to be a challenge. Agrr but if I say yes more alone time more alone time means more eye contact time. "Yh I will help" I say, "thanks" she says smiling kissing me on the cheek. "Come on lets get it before it rains" she says grabbing my hand. I just smile and fist bumb the ear, we walk in just as it begins to rain. We sit down at the table and I just sit there smiling getting wired looks of Dimond and mam. Okay what happened you went out looking for her and you come bacl smiling you didn't ask her did you and she didn't say yes did she. Oh did you kiss Dimond says through twinepithay. It depends on what type of kiss your on about I say taking a glance at Cristal who was now happy talking to my mam about Quidditch. So you did kiss but what type can't be head because she's done that and you made your fuss about that. Next on the list is. She did not kiss your cheek. She shouts in my head, maybe I say my smile getting bigger in my head. Omg Seamus you have a girlfriend she squeals, what no but I can't say how she will kill me I say in a serious tone. Aww your sharing secrets she squeals. Im gunna ignore you now I say annoyed at her accusations.

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