Who took it

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You pick up your rabbit and walk through the door. Their is an odd smell in the air but think nothing of it as you pass through hallways and down stairs and elevators until you reach your room. Gently setting down daisy and tossing the warp pack into a corner of the room you take a nap. You are awoken to the sound of shuffling feet and a vent closing.

You look to where the noise came from and just see your empty warp pack... wait a second it shouldn't be empty. You sit bolt upright and accidentally wake daisy who decides now is the time to flop into doomguys lap you gently set her on the pillow and walk over to the pack to see... everything accounted for? Wait wasn't it empt... doom mini is missing!

(Somewhere else in the facility): [Scp-666-0 has breached containment ... all mortally challenged personnel report to your appropriate warhead bunker]
(Cut to chibi doom guy hauling ass down hallways searching for doom mini)

(I'm sorry I took a break then started procrastinating then school sideswiped me ... please forgive me)

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