Wait is that who i think it is!?!

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Random ass scientist: "666 is acting different ... he hasn't moved in the last 2 hours ... weird"
Other rando: "The cameras show he went back into the shower room and hasn't come out yet... so who is in the suit...?"
Security guard: "Has anyone seen Dr. Bright She is not in her cel... I mean office"
The first scientist: "Wait a minute... oh shit... someone use the Bright tracker!!!"
?: "It says she is in the room why"
1: "Oh shi..."
At that moment a soaking wet and butt ass naked doomguy blasts through the door pissed as fuck. (Needless to say almost every woman got a nosebleed coating the observation room floor in an inch of blood) as he pulls the helmet off and hail marry chucks Dr. bright into the security camera.

            [SIGNAL LOST]

Finally a new chapter (meh)

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