4715 The Day the Sky Turned Red (Pt 1)

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You wake up once more expecting to see the white ceiling but instead a rainforest canopy. You sit up and find you were moved in your sleep and are now in front of an ancient looking temple made of stone lined with gold and bioluminescent alien looking plants. The entry way is covered in claw marks and littered with dismembered skeletons all of which are wearing armor from different time periods and one is even wearing a vaguely knight sentinel-esc suit. Ripped to shreds.

Beond the door is a long hall leading to a large chamber with aincent paintings of gigantic four armed monsters on battle fields and emerging from massive piles of dead bodies. In the middle of the room their was a stone altar soaked with blood and a spiral staircase leading down behind it.

Guard: Keep it moving the ritual needs to be preformed tonight or WWIII is guaranteed.

You are led down the stairs into another hallway that lead to a room with a stone door in the back wall and a basket with a slab of raw meat in it. You are suddenly drenched in human blood and told to wait till night fall.

As night falls the stone walls begin to radiate power in a red hue and you are told to walk down the hallway. You notice everyone keeps mumbling "be happy you aren't dead and you won't die"

Although a little unnerved you walk into the room at the end of the hallway and see a weird four armed bear like creature with a wolf skull for a head staring at you, chained to the floor be it's neck and arms.

Arround the creature a fog begins to form and the guards begin to back away from it as it envelops you, which causes you to want to kill all of a sudden.

Behind you a gunshot goes off as what seems to be a rookie has panicked and sot at the creature. Then you hear skin and muscle tearing like paper as the rest of the guards begin to panic and shoot at the beasts face, alas it is too late, all the while it's eyes glow a bright red and it's chains snap and the last thing you see is the pair of red orbs inches from your face as it then begins to grow...

(Yes imma be that bitch and leave a cliff hangar to grasp at)

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