4715 The Day The Sky Turned Red (Pt 2)

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Upon returning to reality from between chapte... ok narrator fuck of my story cunt

Ok now *achem* clears throat

After the creature begins to grow with every bullet that hits it it begins thrashing everyone in the area and even smashes you around a bit  causing you to breathe in a bit of the fog enveloping it.
You begin seeing daisy being killed, your wife and son becoming demons, a portal opening as demons flood in. This brings back a memory, the memory of the glorious feeling of ripping demons apart with your bear hands, and you. Get. PISSED!

You begin shredding the demons left right and center feeling their pathetic attacks bounce off you, it feels kinda like bullets... wait.
You snap out of the fog and see you have annihilated over 60+guards on the 5 seconds you were under and the creature was easily two and a half kilometers tall and free of the temple

"Well shit. That's a problem..."

(Organizing the fight scene so bear with me here this might take a while)

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