BATTLE!!! also, Hazel is not able to battle right now.

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Hazel's P.O.V.

I wrap my arms around frank's neck, kissing him. The kiss gets deeper, as he pushes me into the bathroom of the hades cabin and closes the door behind him...

*timeskip to the next day*

Annabeth's P.O.V.

I stand in front of a crowd consisting of the whole camp, the wizards, and the hunters. Even Artemis is there, but she's only here because her hunters are here. I take a deep breathe. "We'v calculated that the Manticore army should be arriving in an hour." I begin, my voice filled with authority. "Get ready for battle. The traps are set, the protective spells are up, and the camera controlled turrets are set." Then, Percy, who had quickly recovered from his wound (using water), steps up. "Malcom, Harley and Cecil will man the turrets. The control stations are in the big house." Percy says. "The hunters will be spread out and hidden" I say. I continue on, looking around at everyone. "There are trenches surrounding the camp, and we have also dug a maze of tunnels underneath the ground of the forest." I finish. Everyone nods and rushes off. 

Hazel's P.O.V.

Well, I was'nt going to be much help in the battle. I looked down at my stomach, which had swelled to twice its normal size. Frank took my hand, and I looked into his eyes. "Frank... I'm happy. we'r going to be parents." I say. "But... Now, I won't be any help in the battle." I finish.  "Hazel, I promise that everything will be alright. Just stay safe, in here." Frank says. Then, he gets up and walks out of the cabin. I turn around, and pick sparkly up. The little piglet bumps its head into my arm, as if it sensed that I was scared. 

Nico's P.O.V.

I crouch in the tunnels, looking up through a hole in the ground. It was covered in leaves, so the monsters would'nt see it. Soon, the ground starts rumbling. The roars of Manticores and earthborn echo around the forest. The shouting of Blemmyae echo around. I even hear Mymrekes, and Pandos. A Mymreke passes over, and I stab it with my Styrigon iron sword. I launch myself up through the hole, and find myself face-to-face with a Manticore. I have flashbacks to my last encounter with a Manticore. I growl, and bones shoot up from the earth, striking right through the manticore. The manticore crumbles to dust, and I scan my surroundings. Turrets rain down arrows on the monsters, and arrows fire from multiple spots. greek fire rages, and traps activate one by one. "Nico, duck!" yells the voice of Thalia. I duck down, and a arrow whistles by my head, impaling a Blemmyae that had been about to cut my head off. Thalia appears from a tree, her hunter comaflaughe swirling around her. She runs up to me as I cut down a earthborn. "This is crazy. There's already multiple fires!" Thalia exclaims. 

Percy's P.O.V.

I duck as a Pandos stabs his sword towards me, and then I slice at is leg. He grunts, and our swords clang against each others as we fight. I use my sword to push his hand down, forcing him to drop his weapon. I lunge, stabbing Riptide through the Pandos. He crumbles to dust, and I raise a wave to knock a wild griffon out of the sky. I back up into the lake, and instantly feel my energy return. Jason flies ahead, knocking Pandos and griffons out of the sky. Leo stands a few feet away, pelting Mymrekes with fireballs. A griffon rakes its claws across my shoulder, and I stumble. Water travels up my leg to my shoulder, closing the wound. I slice Riptide through the griffon, and it explodes into dust. I'm moving from foot to foot, slicing down monster after monster. The water moves with me, expanding my energy. I alert, moving my sword from place to place to make sure there are no openings. I'm on a move, and I feel like I'm unstoppable. But then, a earthborn smashes its fist into me, sending me flying out of the lake. "Percy!" Leo yelles, running towards me. He helps me up, and I eat some ambrosia. I stretch my arms, and charge the earthborn. It swings its many fists at me, but I dodge all of them and slice them off one by one. The earthborn looks down at his cut-off arms in surprise, and then crumbles to dust.

Connors P.O.V.

Land mines explode, sending monsters up in flames. Celestrial bronze shrapnel bombs explode, cutting down monsters. Goo squirts into monsters eyes and traps them in place. I duck behind a tree and throw a red goop bomb over my shoulder. I count to three, and then I hear the unmistakable SPPGGGLLLOOPP of the goop bomb going off. I jump into a hole in the ground, and land in the tunnel system. I navigate my way through the tunnels, stabbing Monsters that appear in the holes overhead. I was using a dagger, which had a blade made of acid and celestrial bronze. I  slide down through a tunnel slide that lead deeper into the ground.I turn around through another earthy, well lit tunnel, and ran smack into Piper, Travis, and Frank.  "Connor!" Travis exclaims with delight, hugging me. "Guys, follow me." I say. Then I climb up a latter, back into the first level of tunnels. I climb out of the tunnels, and emerge in front of Camp Half-blood. The battle looked even worse. bodies were scattered around, and now there were even enemy demigods. It looked like neither side was winning. "Well, THIS is'nt good." Piper muttered. Frank drew 3 arrows and shot all three at the same time, hitting a griffon, a Mymreke, and a manticore. But then, so many things happened at once that only someone with ADHD would be able to keep up.                                                                                                                                                 

Franks P.O.V.

Sparkly dropped from from a tree into the midst of the battle. then, Sparkly grew and grew until she was giant. She stomped around, stirring up dust.                                                                                           A bright flash of light flashed, and Artemis appeared, in her huge form, and she shot down multiple monsters.                                                                                                                                                                Reinforcements from camp Jupiter charged into the battle, slicing down monsters.                              A wave crashed over the monsters, dropping demigods into the midst of the monsters.                      And finally, Jason leaped from a tree, lightning arcing his body. He pointed his sword at the monsters, and lightning arced off of it, blasting monsters into dust. I whooped, and turned into a giant dragon. I blew fire at the monsters, and then turned into a lion. I slashed my claws at a Manticore, and finished the attack in human form. I drew a arrow with a round, red point, and shot it right at a Blemmyae. The arrow imploded on contact, causing half of the monsters to disintegrate. 

Nico's P.O.V. 

I raised skeletons, sliced through monsters, and cause the earth to swallow monsters. After Frank shot the exploding arrow, I raised undead archers and made them rain arrows down on monsters. Then the skeletons were gone. 

Percy's P.O.V.

soon, the fight was over. We had won, and deaths were light. We were lucky that only 11 demigods died. I stumbled back to the Poseidon cabin, and slumped onto my bunk. I rolled over, and looked up at the ceiling. I could barely keep my eyes open. I was exhausted. Annabeth walked in and cuddled next to me. Soon, sleep came.


A/N wow. Wow, wow, wow. This is... a very long chapter. wow. I did good. so, how did you guys like this chapter? I hope you liked it. I worked hard on it. and don't worry, the book is NOT over. *yawns* 

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