end of book 2

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Well, this book has come to a end. AAAAAAAnd book three will be posted very soon, so be on the lookout.  This book has led all of us through some crazy adventures, and I learned a lot from writing it.

1: If you take brakes while writing a chapter, you can get more ideas for when you finish that break.

2: if your out of ideas, ask a friend what should happen next, two options, and they can help pick. I find that doing this helps relieve stress, and also saves time.


4: plan

5: ahead.

6: Think it through

7: get enough sleep so that your mind will be fully awake. close out all distractions so that you can focus on writing a chapter.

And the most important rule I'v learned for writing stories on wattpad, the 8th rule: PLAN AHEAD!!!

Did I mention plan ahead? 

Percy: He literally just- did he- oh my gods he did. He literally just went and did that. what the fish. WHAT THE FISH

Percy calm tf down 

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