•Chapter 13•

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Introducing a New Character to the Fanfiction (/030)/

{Mitch's P.O.V}
We arrived at Starbucks and all the boys piled out of the Car, I got the usual, Boring old Ice Coffee. You're probably thinking, 'Mitch why'd you leave Penelope alone?' Well the answer to that is, she needs her space, all girls need there space right? I mean if I need space sometimes then so dose other people, and I can tell when Girls do.

"Jerome.. Who are you starring at?" Ty asked looking at a girl with Brown hair and her hair was styled with a Katnis braid. She had beautiful Green eyes, and Obviously you could tell that Jerome had found "The One".

Jerome came out of it and Frantically yelled "Pretty Lady!"

Everybody bursted into Laughter and the girl looked over at Jerome and Blushed.

"Jerome, Talk to her!" I yelled pushing him Torwards her.

We all watched them talk for a bit, then they exchanged Phone Numbers. Jerome looked calm and happy for once, I think they'd make a cute couple.

{Dani's P.O.V}
I Look over to see Teamcrafted looking at me, I look at Jerome and Blush. He's Pretty Cute if I do say so myself. I look down at my outfit. Crap, I'm wearing a Sumotori Shirt! They Probably think im a crazy fan.

Jerome walked over to me and I grab my coffee off the Counter.

"Hey" He said Blushing.

"Hello, My names Dani" I said shaking his hand.

"Thats a Cool name, Never heard of a girl named Dani before" Jerome said with a Chuckle.

"That's because i'm Unique!" I yelled giggling.

"I'd Love to get to know you more, Dani" Jerome said hanging me his number, "Call me" he added Walking off.

I Sigh as they all walk out the door, This is a dream, It has to be.

{Penelope's P.O.V}
I Lay on my bed scrolling through Instagram when I get a call, "Its Probably not Important" I said not answering it.

Then my Phone rings again from the Same Number, This time I actually Answer and I wish I hadn't of.

Man: Hello Penelope.

Penelope: Hey?

Man: So i'm Guessing you probably don't know who I am.

Penelope: I honestly have no Clue..

Man: I'm Issac, Remember me?

I hang up terrifed, That man on the Phone was Issac my Abusive Ex who they put in Jail, be must have gotten out. It's a Good thing he lives back in Canada, and I live in L.A, I lay back in my bed and Pull out a book, it looked interesting I guess. I start reading the book and then I get a Text.

Issac: I Know Where you are, and I'm coming back for you...

I Panic and throw my phone off the bed, "No!" I scream breaking into Tears. He's going to take me away from these guys, I wont let it happen! I wont be Separated from these guys again!


OOOOO... Wot was dat 0-0

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