•Chapter 16•

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This Chapter is Really Confusing, But Sad, I Cried Writing it.
{Penelope's P.O.V}

There's Nothing I Can do, But Wait. I Open my Eyes to See it was Just a Dream and I was still in my Room in the Teamcrafted Mansion. I Didnt go Insane Lastnight, and I Surely Didn't Tell Jerome how I Really Feel.

I Sneak out of Bed walking to the Kitchen when I hear Crying. I Shake it off and Continue to Make Cereal, But the Crying gets Louder.

I Drop the Bowl of Cereal onto the Counter and Run down the Hallway trying to see where it's Coming From.

I Finally Find where The Crying is Coming from and its Mitch's Room. I Run into his Room and He's sitting at his Desk Recording.
He Didn't look Like he Had been Crying and I Couldn't Hear it Any Longer.

"What's the Matter?" Mitch Asked Slowly Putting his Headphones on his Desk.

"I-It's Nothing.." I said Trailing Off, Mitch Looked at me, With Those Worried Eyes of His. It Made me Sad, But at the Same Time Confused. What have I done to Myself, I ask my self that Question Every so Often, and I Never have an Answer.

"Okay..." Mitch Said UnPausing his Recording, He Can't Even tell, Obviously, It's not Just Nothing. I Need Somebody Mitch, Somebody Who Actually Cares.

I Walk out of the Room Stumbling, I Don't Know What's going on, But I'm Suddenly Dizzy.

I Keep on Walking And Faceplant into the Couch, Whatever is Happening to Me, Is Meant to Happen, I Close my Eyes and Relax There, Then Suddenly Everything Goes black and I feel myself Withering Away.

I Open my Eyes and See Someone Other than the Guys, Me. I'm Just Laying there as the Guys Rush over to me. "Penelope!?" Mitch Yelled Shaking me Crying.

"N-No! Penelope Please, Wake up!" Jerome Yelled Sobbing into my Shirt, Only if they Knew, That I wasn't There. That I'll Wake up Soon, and Everything would be Alright.

"Shes Not Breathing!" Mitch Yelled Picking my Body up bridal Style.

I'm Not Breathing, Am I Dead.. I Cant Be Dead, I've Wished for this for so long, that Now that it's Actually Happening, I Don't Want it to Happen. I Love Mitch, and The Guys. If Mitch lost me, I Don't know what He'd do.

I Run Beside them as they Put me in the Car, I get in the Car Aswell following them to the Hospital.

"Penelope, Dont you Leave me!" Mitch Yelled looking back at my Lifeless Body in Tears.

"I'll Try not to.." I Said even though he cant hear me. Whatever is happening, it has me really scared and Confused, The Doctor a Long time ago said when I'm about to Turn into an Adult, That Cancer could form, and That's Probably What's Happening. I'm Dying from Cancer, Mitch Please, Forgive me if I leave you.
Sorry for the Scare Guys.. I Know how this Fanfiction Ends, and its not what you think after reading this Chapter...

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