Chapter 30

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We've made it to Chapter 30!? Thank you for all the Support my Little Infinities! We've gotten this far, But I'm sorry to tell you, this is the last Chapter, but there might be a sequel coming out soon!

{Jerome's P.O.V}

I walked down to the living room, all the guys were sitting down, and Quentin had his Face in his hands.

"You Okay, buddy?" I asked patting his back, Adam shook his head and spoke up, "Penelope yelled at him." Adam said quietly as Quentin let out a huge sigh.

"There's just a lot on her mind, don't take it personal." I said trying to make him feel better, he looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah- wait, where's Jason?" Quentin asked looking around the room.

I shrugged my shoulders walking into my room to grab my phone, I was going to text somebody asking if they've seen Jason, he's probably taking some time for himself.

I walked back into the living room with the guys about to sit down when there's a knock at the door.

"Hm, I'll get that." I said putting my phone on the coffee table answering the door.

"H-Hey, Penelope here?" The Girl asked, I just stared at her for a second trying to figure out who she was, then it hit me.

"Emily, Babe!" Adam yelled jumping up hugging her tightly, Emily pulled back with confusion in her eyes.

"A-Adam what are you doing?" She asked and Adam's smile turned into a frown as a man walked up beside her with dark brown hair that went to the side, and dark green eyes.

"Adam, meet my boyfriend." Emily said smiling hugging him by his waist, I've never seen him before in my entire life.

"But- wait, you're dating me!" He yelled tears forming in his eyes, he was going to break down in tears any minute now.

"Adam, I called you explaining everything, we're broken up." She stated, and Adam looked crushed, he shook his head darting for his Bedroom.

{Penelope's P.O.V}

"I'm Sorry." I Quietly said closing my eyes, awaiting death that was surely to come to me.

I thought it was over, my friends, my family, everything gone. There's no way I'll get Mitch back, and Jerome's going to be heart-broken, but it's for the best, a world without Mitch, Isn't a world I want to live in.

"No, Penelope!" Jason yelled from up top, I was excepting to hit the ground any second now, but I didn't.

"What?" I asked looking around and I was in someone's arms, I look up slowly, terrified to see who had me in their arms.

"M-Mitch?" I asked hugging him, The Nurse told me he was dead, how is he here.

"How's is going baby girl?" he asked, looking at me smiling.

"I-I am doing fine, may I ask the same about you?" I started tearing up staring into his chocolate brown eyes, once in a while scanning his face looking at all the scars and bruises, I've had those on my face many times.

"The whole saving your life thing, has me in a better mood. Why would you do something as stupid as that?" he asked worried,

"They said you were dead, you shot yourself! "The Nurse was Something Jason planned, it's all his fault. And Isaac shot me, he set it up to look like I had done it." Mitch stated, he knows about Jason doing this.

"I Thought he was a good person." I added tearing up hugging Mitch, Jason was one of my closest team crafted friends.

"I thought, my world was over." I added hugging him once more, wrapping my arms around his waist not letting go.

"Your world isn't over, let's say it has just begun." Mitch said looking into my eyes, his face was still bruised up from Isaac.

I kissed his cheek and blushed, he smirked and whispered something into my ear.

"Maybe this is a new start, for both of us."

I manage to smile and I lay my head against his chest, ignoring the fact that Jason was probably staring us down, amazed.

"Sometimes, at night I wonder how my life would be like right now, without you." I said letting go, looking at Mitch taking a step back, the cold night breeze giving me chills.

"You'd still be in school, Living with your mom, Watching me on a Laptop screen."

I kiss his cheek once more and get closer to his ear biting my lip, "Mitch." I whisper and he nods his head.

I cup his face smashing my lips onto his, our lips moving in a pattern, or like a Beat of a song.

He grabs me by my waist, pulling me closer to him as I wrap my arms around his neck, our lips still connected.

he pulls back and smiles looking down at me, my cheeks were a rose color.

"Penelope, how about a new edition?" Mitch asked and I looked confused, "Like a Dog or Cat?" I asked and he Shook his head.

My mouth dropped and he nodded his head, I look around and bite my lip and whisper quietly.

"Yes." pulling Mitch onto the ground.


Well guys, this is the Last Chapter of Baby doll or once known as Fallen Angel, Hope you guys enjoyed this FanFiction, there might be a sequel coming out soon. but I'm trying to focus on other things right now. SO STAY TUNED!! Bye Guys <3

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