Still Tagging & Going Strong

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It's been a hot second since I've done a no rule tag. Yes you've heard that right, a no rule tag! Then again it's not like I follow those rules well....Aisling can 100% confirm that fact. I've only now realized I just rant about the most random things ever. If anyone saw my ranking of fandoms tag, rant, thingy then you will know I was considering doing a Power Rangers rank. I still want do that (mostly because half of it's done already cause I knew it'd take forever to write out) but I won't wait to get tagged again since there's 20+ seasons, and on the brink of 4,000 words. I've got a lot to talk *cough* rant *cough* about and yeah it's gonna be longer than I expected it to be. Plus the new season is coming out soon so maybe I'll wait till a few I've seen a few episodes to get a good feel of where it's going. Right now it's a solid 5.4/10 from what I've seen so far. Can you tell I'm setting the bar real low? Yeah, I've learned not to have high expectations anymore after the 20th and 24th season. I choose to erase that from my brain. I'm aware of how odd I truly am for still watching this and ranting about it. Do I care? Not really. Other news that's somewhat more interesting, I made a chunky knit blanket and apparently picked up an embroidery kit. It's fun giving myself something to do other than write for a bit. Anyways, moving on for the real reason why you're all here, I was tagged by PichuIzzy thanks for tagging me, let's hope into this.

1: Do I have a crush?

I've never been shot by cupids arrow. In other words, I am a lonely Pringle on Valentines day again. Which is funny cause I finished a tube of Pringle chips a few days ago.

2: Middle name?


3: Height?

Legally 5'2. 5'1/2 in reality. I say that because when I was signing up to get my permit it wouldn't cut an inch in half, so it was either round up or round down. Not sure if that's just my state or not. In the end, I'm short no matter what.

4: Eye color?


5: Last time I cried.

Yesterday and the day before. One being from stress and the other because of one line from a possible one shot that isn't remotely sad but knowing the deeper meaning behind said characters emotions.

6: Biggest fear.

The dark. A bit basic, but it's true.

7: Last song I listened too?

Pierre by Ryn Weaver.

8: Favorite app.

Wattpad, FFN, Pinterest, Youtube, Tiktok.

And now to do the tag 20 people thingy. Would you guys believe me if I said I nearly posted this without tagging anyone?





















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