Weirdly Random Facts

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Hello lovely people here's my excuse for not finishing the next half of whatever the heck I'm supposed to be writing now. Why do I do this to myself every, single, time? Who knows? At least there's a new chapter of The Story of a News Girl but I'll admit I almost forgot about that book....whoops. Am I making any sense? No, not really. But have I ever made sense? Probably.....I hope...ok enough with the ranting and let's get into this. Shout out to PineapplesAndPapes for tagging me!

And....this is yet another tag that has rules. *sarcastic Woo*.

1: you must post the rules


2: You must say 13 things about yourself,

And guess what? you can refuse this time apparently. But let's see how much I can come up with.

3: if you don't do this in a week the person who tagged you has to think of a punishment.

Don't worry I'm not doing that cause it's weird and not nice. Seriously though I would never come at someone *cough* only characters that do stupid things *cough*. And since Ais tagged my yesterday I'd say I'm within the deadline.

4: it has to be a chapter, not a commet.

Yeah.....I'm not writing my average word count just for a tag. So...moving on!

5: you have to nomination or tag 15 people.

You all know how I feel about tagging so let's cross that bridge when it comes.

6: it has to have a creative title.

I have no explanation for it.


1: Peru is my least favorite country. Why? Because my mom forced me this  documentary when I was younger and there was this whole section that creeped the hell out of me. There was some other things I found out that also creeped seven year old me before that but whatever was in there really pushed it. Don't ask cause I honestly don't remember anything else. I was an odd child.

2: I'm right handed. Lame fact but I've never said that so....

3: I'm not a big outdoors person. I have to be in the mood to do it.

4: I can only take being around little kids for so long before I'm socially drained and need me time. Introvert things am I right?

5: I got into nail art when I was probably a preteen and now I do my own nails whenever I feel like it.

6: I never wear my hair down in the summer. It gets too hot even when it's short.

7: My childhood dream job was to be a vet. But after finding out that I am grossed out by science and absolutely hate the subject all together that went out the window. (Thank goodness writing came into my life)

8: I love baking. It's mostly apple pies or whatever cook recipe i decide to do on an impulse. But it's not that time of year yet.

9: Here's an odd one. I cannot write about any type of food and or sweet without getting a craving for it. It happens every single time and in some cases that craving won't get feed for months and will randomly pop up until I eat it.

10: I'm pretty independent. I tend to get things done on my own without asking for help and when I say "I'm fine" or something along those lines I 100% mean. I will let people know when I'm not feeling well.

12: If I'm trying a new food I always smell it and if it's bad I don't eat it.

13: I still don't know the difference between foundation and concealer. I looked it up and forgot.

Now to do the tags
















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