Tag list 9

15 1 5

Hey everyone! I'm back with another tag by aislingkiley thanks for the tag! Before we get into this I have a few things to say. First, I'm glad those who have been reading "Strike" has enjoyed it so far. Second, I'm almost at 50 followers! I was wondering if I should do one of those fact books or something. So if you want to see that then tell me. Lastly, I have this story idea where you'll get to see a younger Feister, I've got a few chapters written, but that's about it. So if you've got any ideas just message me for more info. And now onto the tag! 

1: My birthday

It's in May. That's all I'm gonna say.

2: Night owl or early bird

Neither. I like to sleep in.

3: Do you wear makeup?

Only for special occasions.

4: Last time I cried.

A few hours ago cause I got stressed about something. I'm good now.

5: Favorite app.

Pinterest, TikTok, Wattpad, and FanFiction, (obviously)

6: Favorite cartoon.

Big Hero 6 the series, Tangled the series, DuckTales, the old Scooby-Doo up to the 2000s, the 40s to the 70s Tom and Jerry.

7: Video games or movies.

Movies mostly. But I used to play a lot of video games like the Wii/U

8: Would I rather be inside or outside.

Depending on what's going on and my mood. But I mostly like to stay inside.

9: The most recent lie I said

I have no idea.

10: Name of my crush.

Still don't have one. But I know some day I'll meet a guy who's gonna be worth the wait.

11: I want to travel to.

Paris, London, Italy, and New York.

12: The last movie I saw.

Ever After. If you haven't seen it, it's basically like Cinderella, but a little different. And no, it's not some sappy romance movie, there's a little action and tension. 

13: If I could eat one thing for the rest of my life what would it be.

I have no idea cause you kind of need all food groups to survive. 

14: I can't live without

Family, friends, dog, and Wifi.

15: Favorite food.

Stuffing and mashed potatoes are some of my favorites that's coming to mind.

16: The best joke I've ever done.

Why do birds fly south for the winter? Cause it's too far to walk.

17: What color is my house?


18: How my room looks.

It's painted light gray, and has different shades of blues and a few turquoises. Pictures hanging on twinkle lights above my dresser. A desk, bed, and the carpet is blue.

19: What am I wearing today.

A light camo shirt, and  jean shorts.

20: Favorite TV show.

Disney channel from 2011-2016 to 17ish. AGT, and Beat Shazam.

21: My Tumble crush.

I have Tumble, but I don't have a crush on anyone cause that's weird. If I ever date someone, I want it to be a REAL relationship and not one of those online ones where people Snapchat each other or one of those Instagram ones. Yes, those pictures are cute and I'll probably do that, but it needs to be REAL. Spend time together, have conversations, etc. Maybe a little old fashioned like little notes. 

22: Places those I have traveled.

Well...where I live, the neighboring states. I've been to Chicago when I was younger and drove to Disney World, and up to Toronto. So that's cool.

 23: Favorite movie

I love a lot of Disney movies, and not just the classic princess movies. *cough* Newsies* cough. I also like this one Nickelodeon, Rags, (I'm hoping you know what that is)

24: A Phrase I will never forget.

I don't really know. But there is this one quote I like. 

If the past can remove someone you never dreamt of losing, it can replace them with someone you never dreamt of having.

25: Lucky number.

I have one, but I'm not saying what it is since it'll give away somethings.

26: Name of my ex.

Single as frick. So I can't answer this one.

27: Name of he person I hate.

I have this ONE person I hate with a burning passion. But I won't say who. Sadly.

There's no tag number so I'll just tag some of my newer followers, as a hello to you guys.










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