This or That

42 2 3

I was once again tagged by the lovey aislingkiley thanks for tagging me!

Well, here we go

1: catching fireflies or butterflies

Fireflies. I've caught butterflies before, and honestly it looks\sounds so much fun to catch fireflies.

2: old photo album or vinyl collection

Probably old photo album, my parents have tones of those and when my mom looks through them I'm usually looking too.

3: Full moon or solar eclipse

Solar eclipse. I see tones of full moons so it'll be cool to see a solar eclipse sometime.

4: telescope or kaleidoscope

I've used both before. But I'd probably go with telescope. I love looking at the stars in the summer time so yeah.

5: Fate or coincidence

Coincidence. Idk, that sounds more realistic then fate.

6: nostalgic type writer or messy handwriting

So either way I'd be wasting paper?

But I'd have to go with type writer. Idk why, but I just always wanted to use one. I've seen tones and played around with one, but never actually typed on it.

7: Free as the wind or strong as the earth.

Free as the wind. It just sounds like a lot of fun.

8: field of flowers or galaxy of starts

Galaxy of starts. I've always loved start gazing and trying to find the different constellation.

Ok now to tag five people. Do I even have five people to tag? Let's see







You don't have to do this if you really don't want too.

Ok that's it for this tag. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

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