Tinsel Tag

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Am I gonna stop doing these somewhat in genius tag names? Probably not. Before I get into this, just a little PSA, my one shot book is getting updated tomorrow before I go on Christmas break. I'll still be around to read stories if there's any updates, I just won't post anything until New Yeas Eve. I explained all this in the A/N that's to come...but I thought I should give a little heads up. Also, did anyone else hear that Newsies won best ensemble of the decade?? Or am I the only one who heard of this? Anyways, I've been tagged by PineapplesAndPapes, thanks for tagging me, I really enjoy doing these. Ok, not let's get some info that is my life.

1: Where do you want to be in ten years?

Well I have zero clue where I want to be right now. But I'm hoping in ten years I would at least be in a relationship, maybe finally getting my own original stories outside into the world, and having my own place? I dunno, I don't really like to look that far into the future especially since 2020 is coming, aka, my entire childhood/golden years will be over. But who knows what the future will bring.

2: Sexuality?

100% Straight.

3: Post a selfie?

Funny thing, I've been thinking about doing a face reveal, and not doing it. It's off and on, plus I kind of like being anonymous to a certain extent. Cause, ya know, past tags have asked my hair and eye color so...YUP.

4: Favorite anime?

Never have I ever watched anime in my life. Sorry but, if something isn't in English, I'm not gonna give myself a headache trying to switch my eyes from subtitles to what's happening on my screen.

5: Age?

Well, you know I have my leaners permit, so obviously over sixteen. Anyone care to take a guess? And if you need a hint I think I can come up with one.

6: Monsta x bias?

*looks up what the hell that means*

Ok so what I'm getting is something about K-pop and relationship(?). If it wasn't obvious, I'm kind of behind on trends and don't get into it until it's starting to die down, but still semi popular(??). But when it comes to K-Pop. That's a nope.

7: Describe myself in 3 words?

Introvert, Stubborn, and truthful.

Yeah...that's a combo. But that's me for ya.

8: Are you funny?

I like to think I'm funny sometimes, but I can never really tell if other people think so. I guess it depends on the mood.

9: Bias?

Ok, this has two meanings. One being about K-pop, and the other is biased. I'm definitely like that whenever I watch AGT. Any other time, I kind of depends what it is.

10: Nationality.

I was born and raised in America.

11: Best friend

Don't have a best friend. I have friends, real life, I'm not gonna say for safety, but as for my Wattpad peeps...there's...PineapplesAndPapes. Probably the first person I was actually comfortable talking too over the internet. Plus, we both love Mush on the same level. (and now I'm laughing from all the times we've fangirled over him). My fello girlsies LizzyKelly1899 and JustABroadwayGirl. Two people who I met before I became apart of #GirlsiesUnite, which I love being in. You're both such sweet girls and I'm glad to have found you two on here. And rounding off the list is two people who I know I don't talk too very much, but still love reading their stories and always get a good laugh or feeling the feels are DaydreamShimmer, and newsies_fan123. There's probably more, but these are the only people that are coming to mind right now.

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