A Disney Tag

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Hello everyone, I hope all is well in these tough times, or you're just having a good day in general. Not much is going on for me (but, really, when does anything remotely interesting happen for outside of Wattpad?) A new chapter of my latest story is coming out today, so that's cool. Yeah...I feel like me saying that whenever I get tagged and a new chapter is coming is going to get repetitive, so just keep an eye on my announcements, unless I end up going MIA of course. I was tagged by PrinceAli15, thanks for tagging me!

1: Favorite movie?

92sies and livsies is obviously on that list. Really anything Disney I guess. Star Wars (I'm aware it's under the Disney brand now, I just felt the need to say it). That's about all I can think of right now.

2: Favorite Broadway Stars?

Anyone who was ever in Newsies.

3: Favorite Disney songs?

Besides the newsies soundtrack...When Will my life Begin, A Whole New World, One Jump Ahead, Into The Unknown, Somethings Never Change, and For a Moment are a few favorites of mine. I would list them all but then that'll be too long and no one has time for that.

Alright time for the tagging part of this. The person who tagged me only did four and I'm going to do that too. If anyone wants to or doesn't want to do this then that's fine. I'm cool either way.





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