My Fanfic Babies

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Weird title? ✔
Even weirder in side? ✔✔
Is anyone gonna even read this? 🤷🏻‍♀️

So...I have zero clue why I'm writing this, much less POSTING IT. But I've mentioned before I think of weird things before going to sleep. And this happened to be one of the things I thought of awhile ago. (This is mostly for laughs than anything else). My children are my fics. And we all know how hard it can be to raise children. So basically just think of if my stories were human this is how they'd act. I told you this was going to be weird. (P.s. I wrote this months ago and edited it a bit)

A Girl Newsie: The oldest child.

Doesn't listen right away. Takes forever to get ready for the day and somehow hates how they look after five hours and decides to go change again. Once outfit has finally been chosen later in the day....thinks they look cringey and wants to go change but guess what? It's too late and they have to deal with it. big emotional mess. Doesn't like talking about how they're feelings. Will just bottle it all up take it to the grave.

Kind of a reference saying that if I were to write AGN with the stuff I know now, it'd turn out so much better. But it's one of those things that makes me go "wow, this is what started it all." I cannot bring myself to read this story again, but still holds a special place in my heart. And how much of a pain it was to write. I've got nothing to say on the emotional part.

The Past Comes Back. Second oldest.

Listens amazingly. Knows what to do, when to do it, and how to get it done. Can be a little awkward at times, but brushes it off and keeps pushing through. Goes through tough times knowing there's light at the end of the tunnel. PCB may be the second child, but in all truths it's the middle child. Gets forgotten sometimes, but is a fighter. *cough* the favorite child *cough*

Pretty self explanatory. Without a doubt the easiest story I've ever written, I knew what I wanted from beginning to end. Though there's a lot. And I mean a lot of awkward moments I scroll past when I decide to read it again. The "keeps moving like a trooper" part is a little reference is that when I was posting this story (on FFN) I had family coming over, so I had to juggle that with updating. It probably wasn't the best idea, but every time I read/think about it, I'm reminded of the fun time I had with my family.

Strike. Third born.

Semi listens well. Gives a hard time every now and again, but ends up relenting after awhile. Kind of knows what to do. Takes lots of detours and never asks for directions. A bit of a know it all. Looks are effortless but in reality it took forever to look perfect. Definitely the type to give you all kinds of feels (good and bad). Can and will throws hands. S watch out. Second favorite child.

Again, pretty self explanatory. It was a combo of fanfic and the live movies, so it was an interesting ride. I always say Past Comes Back is my favorite, but written wise it's Strike. This one gave a lot of people the feels (if you've read it, you know what I mean).

I'm Fine. Youngest child.

Oh where to begin? Never listens to anything or anyone. Period. Questions why they exists half the time. Second guesses self a lot, but goes out into the world anyways. Everyones' favorite child for some reason. Is just a innocent little cinnamon roll that must be protected (oddly enough).

This was my troubled story. It took a long time to finally get it, and even then I questioned everything, but knew no matter what I did it was going to be a "meh" story compared to Strike. But somehow for reasons I will never understand it's the favorite among most readers. on FFN it has the most reviews (comments). Is it because it's hurt/comfort with lots of fluff? I'm not complaining of course, it's just weird.

My Fanfic Babies 2021 Update

The Story of a News Girl: The newest and fifth baby.

Is a literal mix of its older siblings. Isn't the best at taking direction (AGN). Keeps on tugging like a trooper (PCB). Knows what to do/how to do it (Strike). But also question existences (I'm Fine). But also can get confused at times, maybe a little lost, yet somehow gets to the main goal by some miracle. Though, sometimes that goal isn't exactly achieved, but the outcome is still a good one nonetheless.

Translation? Basically I unknowingly took different situations Feister went through in the either books and changed a few of the scenarios to fit her younger self. Peeks into the Past, Leaving the Scars, and Always There are great example of the feel for The Past Comes Back. While on that note, I think, The Magic a Girl Can Hold and Forever His Girl would be A Girl Newsie. Pushing the AGN thing would be Changes and Innocent promises. Hints of Strike and I'm Fine are in there but nothing that's fully there...yeah so that's it.

Brooklyn's Bridges: The close cousin

Is always staying at the family's house to the point she might as well be considered a sibling and move it. The favorite cousin that looks up the older. Is just a sweet little innocent bean that gets kind of confused and....doesn't seem to know how to go about life. Is the one to ask "are you sure that's a good idea?" To whoever's about to do something reckless. Is definitely closest with The Story of a News Girl.

I say this because Brooklyn's Bridges isn't exactly apart of the "main timeline" but in the same breath it kind of is as well only in a different sense. So for reference it's events were before, momentarily during the strike and afterwards. Plus it doesn't exactly feature known characters for a good chuck until the very end. Yes it's still very much apart of the family.....but also sort of drifts away from what was already built and established. Does that make any sense? Like I still love this book, but the feel of it is different from what we were all used too.

So yeah. That's how my stories would be if they were human. I'm not sure if I'll do something like this for my one shots. Oh well, we'll see as time goes on. Thanks for reading this and putting up with my weird before bed ideas.

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