Chapter 17 Strained Tensions

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The three couples watch their friends leave and they were worried and sad.

''Great two gone and three to go.'' Hickory said shaking his head.

''I got to admit I'm getting worried.'' DJ Suki said.

''Well we just have to stick it out we got two more weeks to go guys let do this guys.'' Poppy said trying to lift their spirits.

''I don't know y'all I'm thinking we should should all sleep in the same room push beds into one of the rooms because what if whatever is going on starts attacking us one by one?'' Asked Delta.

''Might not be a bad idea.'' Branch said.

''Oh come on you guys are overracting I mean this is a challange to see who can survive this week and if we all three make it then we get the three prizes, we are supposed to face our fear together as a team.'' Hickory Agrued.

''I agree with Hickory I mean this is what the things want they want us to be scared of them and to make us like babies so that means they win plus with us in different rooms they have to choose who to get where as we are all together we are sitting ducks.'' Poppy said shaking.

''I say we stick together in the end this is who can last the longest and we are supposed to be with our partners which is why we have these bracelets on and we can't get them off.'' Tresillo said.

''Ok then DJ who are you agreeing with?'' Asked Branch.

''Well to be fair... I think we should be with our partners we have to face things together and maybe later on if it gets too bad we can all be a team but this is for us as couples to rely on each other.'' DJ said.

''Ok then its decided.'' Branch said.

Poppy and Branch...

Poppy turns and walks away going up the steps to be stopped by Branch. ''Poppy what is wrong?''

Poppy felt hurt and jealous by this which was out of character for her she felt something her and it scared her a bit.

''Tell me this do you have a crush on Delta?'' Poppy asked accusingly.

''What? No Poppy you know I love you why would you ask that?'' He asked confused.

''Then why did you agree with Delta on staying in the same room? I thought you and me were supposed to be closer to do couples things? And you want them to all come stay with us?'' She asked growing more aggitated.

''Poppy, Delta is just making sure all of us are safe we are stronger together as a group rather then a team and you saw what happened to Riff he's never like that.'' Branch pointed out.

''A team is what this is about why then did Moon ask us to pick someone we want to be partners with or give us these bracelets? obviously I mean nothing to you!'' Poppy cried.

''That is a lie! I care about you more then anyone else if I had to I'd sacrifice everyone just to keep you safe.'' He grabbed her hand again as they went to the top of the steps.. ''What has gotten into you?'' Branch asked.

''AHHHHH!'' Scream Poppy as the floor below her fell and she was about to fall when Branch's hair wrapped around her grabbed her hand...

''I got ya Poppy!'' He said pulling her up.

He then almost was yank and saw an tentical wrap around her leg. ''AHHH BRANCH HELP ME PLEASE!'' She shrieked.

The blue troll pulled with all his might not letting go but he was struggling... then suddenly he was yanked down below with Poppy and he looked up to see the others looking at them.

Downstairs the other two couple heard Poppy scream and took off after them only to see they weren't getting anywhere with the steps as they were endless, Hickory and Delta with DJ and Tresillo on their back jumped and made it up to the top only to see Branch being pulled down and the scream of Poppy and Branch.

''Well dangit dee doodlly!'' yelled Delta.

''The hell was that where did they go?'' Asked Tresillo.

Then the floor closed up.

''Guys this is so weird there gone!'' Shouted DJ.

''Now calm down lets think about this so they got sucked down and what is under this  hallway?'' Asked Hickory.

They all took off down the stairs using the mattress they had and they went into the dinning room and into the kitchen they froze.

The room was a dazzling white it almost blinded them as they covered their eyes.

''What the hell kind of room is this?'' Hickory said.

They closed the door and binked back to light.

''I'm wondering how the doll butler deals with this.'' Delta said curiously.

''Here put these on.'' DJ handed them a pair of sunglasses.

''Where did you get these glasses senorita?'' Asked Tresillo

''I had them hidden in my hair in case we needed them.'' She said and she paused.

''What if that creature is took them that tried to get me and Tress.'' DJ said shuttering.

''Well we have to go after them.'' Hickory said.

They put on the glasses and went into the kitchen and they saw a counter with a fridge and freezer to the side and a nice homely kitchen however there were three door next to each other and one way to the other side that was the exit door.

''Woah appearently Peter was nutz about his invention.'' Hickory said.

They stared at the door debating which one to try.

Here we go sorry it took so long I had writers block on this but I have a whole new idea so stay tuned and see what will happen next.

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