Chapter 4 Dinner and a Story

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The 8 all sat down at their assigned seats next to each other as two other dolls come over with bowl of soups for them and Buster came in.

''Good evening ladies and gentleman I hope you are all settled in.'' He said as he sat at the head of the table.

''Oh yeah we did I just have one question man what are with the stairs?'' Asked Darnell.

''What do you mean?'' asked the kola.

''He means the stairs changing on us when we went up it was just one or two staircases to our room and when we tried to get down for supper we had about 5 staircase levels to go to. ''Barb said glaring at the kola.

''Oh yes that well this place isn't what it seems some say that here there is a lot of illusions in the mansion but we will get into all of that after dinner. Now tell me a bit about yourselves.'' He said.

''I'm Poppy queen of the pop trolls I love hugging singing and dancing. And spending time with my boyfriend.''

Branch looks. ''I'm a survivalist and I like to plan things and make sure everyone is safe.'' He said.

''Don't forget a paranoid jealous boy toy.'' Barb teased.

Branch glares. ''She not wrong Branch.'' Poppy said.

''I'm Queen Barb of the hard rock trolls yeah I spend my day singing and playing rock music with my family and spending time with my dad.'' She said.

''I'm Riff I play the drums and is a friend and right hand troll to Queen Barb.'' He said.

The dolls brought out pasta for them.

''And her boyfriend!'' Cooper said. ''I'm Prince Cooper along with my brother Prince D.'' the funk troll said.

''That is true.'' Darnell said.

''Well I'm Delta Dawn a country troll who loves baking and playing the banjo.'' She smiles.

''Well you all know I'm Hickory a yodeler troll but miss Poppy prefers me as a country troll.'' He smiles at her as Poppy giggles.

''I'm DJ I belong with the pop tribe I like making music, partying and sleeping and dancing I'm single also.'' She smiles.

''The name is Tresillo and I am from the Reggaeton trolls leader and I love my Reggae music I have my two favorite back up dancers they are like family.'' He said.

''You all sound wonderful and I love that your brave enough to take this on.'' Buster said.

After supper they all went to the living room and sat down.

''Ok now time for a story about this place.'' Buster said with his projector on.

''A long time ago there was a young man Peter Springs who was an inventor and everyone said that his inventions failed and they did however he worked hard on an invention and took it to a fair and there he met the love of his life a beautiful young scientist Jade Miller and it was love at first sight after a few months of dating they got married and working together on a experiment and then they hit the jackpot and with all the money they moved and bought this mansion.'' Buster said as he click the projector.

''So then the first year they had a daughter, Abigail and then they had a son, Eric and then they had Jane their youngest and they were a happy family. And Peter would spend all day downstairs in the very lower basement working on experiments and little did he know that after 10 years of a wonderful marriage his wife Jade got sick and was sick for months. Peter had worked and did everything he could to do a cure and by that time she had died and his life changed he was with his kids but stayed with his experiment.

 Then as time passed Peter got old and by that time his kids were trying there best to be in the will to get this mansion but shortly after his wife died his youngest Jane had gotten pregnant and she had a baby and named her Jade June Spring. And that little girl was the light of Peters life they did everything together and he had put her in the will as the owner of the house and his money, his kids found out about it and were mad about it even Jane was shocked but out of all of them respected his wishes. The other two siblings found a loop hole since Jade was still young she couldn't own it until she was 16 so if Peter was to die before she reached 16 then Abigail would own the place and since Peter had a bunch of life left he worked on more inventions and experiment and Abigail and Eric plotted to share the estate so they suffocated their dad killing him.

 Abigail owned the place and Jade saw it happen. The sibling knew they would be in trouble so they decided to kill her by throwing her from one of the high staircases and framed it on Jane who went to jail and died there in jail the sibling were happy but appearently their dad had been working on something big and Jade helped. Finally it was finished and the sibling were determined to get it but what they didn't know is there parents may have been rich and that led to break ins so they devised a bunch of riddles, tests, and puzzles and the siblings spend months trying to find their way around the place driving them crazy as they heard voices and were mocked by shadows and this place wasn't what it seemed. It drove them to the point where  they turned on each other due to madness and they played Russian Roulette and Abigail had that planned and Eric died and then she felt herself being pushed down the stairs she turned to see the ghost of her dad and little Jade who sneered at her as she died and this place has never been touched.'' Buster said finishing the slide show.

Every troll looked in shock Poppy and DJ were in tears. ''Dang all because Jade was gonna own the mansion?'' Darnell said.

DJ was crying on Tresillo shoulder who looked shocked.

''Wow what jerks huh I say the oldest siblings got what they deserve.'' Barb said.

''Well thats nice so what does it have to do with this place?'' Delta asked.

''Turns out after the death the ghost of Peter and his granddaughter can still be seen in this place and rumor has it their are still riddles and mazes and stuff here and things aren't always what they appear the two are bitter about their deaths and they haunt and give trouble to everyone who stays as a way to see if they can handle it.'' The kola said.

''So basically we just have to stay here with a poltergeist messing with us.'' Branch asked.

''Yes and Peter loved his wife and grandchild and daughter which is why all of you have a partner and you have to depend on each other and you will be tested but that is why you are all together. And with that I'm gonna leave but Mr. Grey and some of the others will be here to help out.''

''Oh one thing um did they ever find out about that thing he was working on?'' Asked Poppy.

''Nobody knows it was the last thing he was working on before he died and he didn't want anyone but little Jade to know so he planned this whole setup so only those who are pure of heart and will sacrifice themselves for each other and true love can you find the basement and what is in there nobody has figured it out yet.'' Buster said.

''That is so stupid.'' Barb said

''Maybe but he did love his family and we love each other.'' Riff said.

''And with that I will leave you to enjoy yourself for a week.'' He said.

''Wait you said two weeks.'' Branch said looking at him.

''I will be back in a week to check on you and those who can't handle it I will send them home.'' He said as he left the group. ''One other thing I would recommend staying in your room after 10 I hear werid things happen but whatever you choose and enjoy.'' He left out the door.

Here we go I will update soon I hope you enjoy feel free to comment and like.

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