Chapter 12 Painting Room

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Cooper and Prince D..

Cooper and his brother went to a room and saw a light came on and they looked around surprised they were in a room full of painting.

''Woah where are we in a painting room.'' Prince D said.

''Cool Harper would go crazy over this.'' Cooper said thinking of his small troll friend who liked to paint.

''This is amazing old and dusty you'd think for having a butler this place would be spotless.'' Prince D said.

''Maybe its to keep things spooky but look at some of these drawings these are scary looking.'' Cooper said looking at a portrait of the family.

''Hmm well I don't know most of them look happy, I'm guessing Abigail and Eric are the one right next to their parents and the smiling girl in between the parents must be Jade she a beauty.'' Darnell said.

''Yeah she is I wish we knew her story.'' Cooper said looking around and found a chest and opened it. ''Hey bro take a look at this.''

Prince D came over. ''Wow that is a lot of paintings and books of paintings.''

''Well I guess they were painters.'' Cooper said.

''Wait bro come look at this.'' The older on said.

''What is it?'' He asked.

Darnell opened it and they saw a story in it. ''Look some of these are good and they are telling a story as well.'' 

Cooper and Darnell opened the book and looked at the drawings. There was a picture of a couple holding hands with a little girl in between them. They flipped over the picture to see some writing. Peter and Jade with Abigail age 3.

''Ahh she is so cute in that.'' Cooper said.

''Yeah too bad she turned out to be a murderer.'' Prince D said.

They paused as they heard something and got up. Darnell looked around and went to the wall where the noise came from. 'Hmm.'' He said.

''What is it?'' Asked Cooper.

''It sounds like a voice on the other side.'' He said.

''But its a wall.'' Cooper said.

''There could be a passage way.'' Prince D said.

While they were looking the didn't realize that eyes were following them. Cooper felt something and turned around to see the a huge picture portrait of a guy in a chair eyes on him. ''Hey D do you think that we are being watched?'' asked Cooper.

''It could be this place does play mind tricks.'' Darnell said trying to find a hidden door.

Suddenly they were startled by a noise from the closet and they hid together. ''What was that?'' asked Cooper who was scared.

''I don't know stay close here.'' Darnell threw Cooper a arm stick and they went to the door opened it to see nothing.

''What that can't be it we heard a noise and there is nothing but boxes.'' Darnell said looking.

''You don't think that it was one of our friends do you?'' asked Cooper.

''I hope no but just to check.'' He pulled out the walkie. ''Hey anyone here?'' He asked.

There was no answer then they heard static on the walkie. ''Get out its not safe.'' A ghostly voice said.

Darnell dropped the walkie shaking. Cooper picked it up. ''Who is this Barb if this is a joke stop it its not nice!'' Cooper said.

''Its not her and if you guys know what is good for you leave now!'' The voice said and the walkie exploded.

Cooper jumped into his brothers arms. ''D-Darnell I'm scared.'' He said.

''So am I.'' Darnell said and saw the painting of Peter move. ''C-Cooper I don't think your imagining the painting staring I just thought I saw Peter wink.'' He said.

''Lets get out here there is no need to stay here.'' Cooper said as he tried to get to the door but then heard it lock. ''WE CAN'T GET OUT!'' Cooper freaked out.

They saw the painting moving and laughing. Cooper looked and started shaking. ''Bro Abigail and Eric picture is gone.'' 

Cooper looked to see his brother looking though the artbook. ''Darnell!'' He said

This brother looked like a zombie and didn't move. Cooper shivered and saw a ghostly figure of Eric who grinned and glares at him.

Cooper screamed as Darnell was in a trance and walked away and went though a wall. ''Wait that is my brother!'' He shouted trying to reach his brother as he left. ''HELP I'M ALL BY MYSELF!'' Cooper screamed and then saw Abigail figure come running towards him as he opened the door and bolted running as fast as he could out of there trying to find help.

Here we go the next chapter where is Prince D we have two more couples to get though before we find out its gonna get dark and scary stay tuned.

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