Chapter 15 A Scary Theory

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The group followed Cooper and they ran to the room where Cooper and his brother was, Branch tried to push open the door, but it wouldn't open.

''I can't get it.'' Branch tried as hard as he could.

The other guys tried and Hickory kicked the door and opened it they went in and saw the place a mess.

''W-What happen did you fight with someone Cooper?'' Delta said.

''All who I saw was that Abigail girl who chased me and my brother disappeared.'' Crying sadly.

Barb went to the wall and knocked. ''I'm sick of these ghost doing this to us we haven't done anything to get this treatment.'' She growled.

DJ and Tresillo grabbed a couple of heavy things and threw it at the wall trying to break it.

''What are you doing?'' asked Branch.

''Well we ran into a monster and it couldn't help but think that maybe it took him.'' DJ said.

The group looked at her with horrified faces. ''Its true.'' Tresillo said.

''Wait Branch follow me.'' Poppy said.

He ran after her though the other room.

Meanwhile somewhere dark and cold Prince D opened his eyes and looked around scared ''Wha?''

He was surround by large shadows. ''This one will do nicely.'' One said.

''Yeah the other one was too small but lets put him though some tests.'' One said.

''No please I have a brother and family I didn't do anything.'' Prince Darnell said.

''Now all we need is a female troll for this how about that pink troll she is perfect for this.''

Branch and Poppy were in the next room over searching for anything to lead though the wall. ''Its not here Poppy.'' Branch said.

''Things don't just go though wall especially trolls.'' She said.

''I know but what are we gonna do?'' He asked.

''Well lets go see the others.'' She said.

They went back. ''Anything guys?'' She asked.

''Nope nothing we took down half this wall there is nothing.'' Barb called upset.

We need to look everywhere they couldn't of gone  far. Where is the downstairs?'' Asked Hickory.

''We need to look for it.'' Delta said they went into their groups.

''I'm gonna stay with Riff.'' Barb said.

The rest took off and Branch and Poppy went into a different room.

Branch and Poppy..

They went into the same room that Tresillo and DJ were in. ''They went though here.'' Poppy said.

Branch knocks and pushes on the wall nothing happens. ''Let look into the other room.'' He said.

They were walking when Poppy and Branch came to a room that was office and they look around it had a nice peaceful feeling about it.

Branch was looking though the books Poppy was looking though a desk and she felt under the desk for buttons or anything.

''Non of these books are helping there had to be a passage way or map telling how I bet he is in that one room hidden deep downstairs if we can find it.

A pink mist came in and filled the room Poppy looked and saw Branch combing though a book and she felt lust coming though her she wanted him so badly, she couldn't even remember why she was here in this room. She saw Branch look at her with dark eyes and he came over throwing her on the desk. ''I need you Poppy.'' He said as he kisses her.

''I need you too Branch.'' She moans they kiss and she pulls off his vest suddenly they felt a burst of wind blow it away and they sat up still kissing to see DJ and Tresillo with the others.

''That's the stuff me and Tres here ran into.'' DJ said.

Branch looked at Poppy blushing and jumped off. ''I got carried away are you ok Poppy.''

Poppy glares at him. ''Branch why did you leave me?'' She whined.

''Sorry Poppy as I said later.'' He kisses her cheek.

''Hey guys I found something.'' Hickory called.

The rest of the group went and looked.

''Wait that looks like Poppy.'' Delta said.

Branch and Poppy looked. ''Wait that looks like me with Eric?'' She asked shocked.

''No way nobody is taking you from me.'' Branch said.

''Guys we need to find my brother.'' Cooper said.

''Say do you have that Moon's number he maybe able to help.'' Hickory said.

''Hon we can't he's coming tomorrow and we already lost Cooper.'' Delta said.

DJ leaned against the wall and fell backwards as the rest came. ''DJ how did you find that?" asked Branch shocked.

''I was leaning on it but look a dark tunnel are we going in?'' asked Tresillo.

''We need weapons before we go down there.'' Branch said.

''Right me and Delta will round up some gear, Cooper you go and tell Barb and Riff and you four stay and watch it don't go without me or Delta.'' Hickory said.

Delta and Hickory.

''What is it Hickory?'' Delta asked when they were away.

''We can't let Poppy out of our sight I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen to her.'' He said.

''What is it.''

''I watched a movie sometime ago where they need new fresh blood to keep the ghost alive and they usually get a couple kill them and keep them until the next some years they need new ones and I believe this Buster Moon knows more then he is letting on.'' The male troll said.

''Wait you mean?'' Delta was worried.

''Yep the ghost pick out someone they like they kill that person and since they are dead they have no choice but to marry that one or be with them for all eternity.'' He said

''Why haven't you told the others this?'' Delta said.

''We need to find Prince D and if we tell Branch and the others he'll only be concerned about Poppy besides if I'm right they need two new people and this is Abigail and Eric who are doing this.'' He said.

Here we go so they found a hole, Moon is coming back, what about this theory is it true or will something happen to Poppy will they find Prince D at all.

Staying at a Haunted Mansion (Trolls)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant