Chapter 19 Snakes and Locked Rooms

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Hickory and Delta...

The couple walked though the door and then it shut as they jumped back as they were surrounded in the dark.

''Well there's that.'' Hickory said.

''Here hold my hand and we won't get lost.'' Delta said.

''Alright.'' Hickory said as he grabbed something.

''Oh Hickory.. my hands are up here that is my butt your grabbing.'' Delta said giggling.

''Oh huh?'' He gave it a squeeze as she yelps and giggles.

Hickory slowly moves his hands up her back and they came to rest on her breasts. ''Hmm your hands feel round.'' He teased.

''Those are my boobs and here is my hand.'' She flirts and leans over kissing his neck.

''Ahh baby.'' He moans.

''Come on now we have to find Branch and Poppy and when we get out of here we can have sex all you want.'' She bribed.

''Ok fine you win.'' He smiles as they walked feeling their way though the dark.

They continued walking holding hands when Delta felt something grab her. ''Hickory I love you but stop please.'' She said.

''Delta?'' He called.


''Delta!'' He shouted running though the pitch dark. ''Keep yelling!''

Suddenly he ran into a wall and felt around. ''DELTA!''

He heard a door shut and a light came on he flinched as he looked around he was in  a concrete room with a table and chair like an interrogation room and heard a noise he turned and his eyes widened as he froze.


She was shouting and trying to get free. ''LET GO OF ME!''

She was shoved into a small room and she gasped. She was claustrophobic and she was panting.

''Hickory!'' She shouted afraid.


He heard Delta but couldn't say anything.. he heard a hiss and he froze there in front of him were a bunch of cobra snakes and he was quiet but shaking.

'Just stay calm and don't move.' He told himself in his head.

He looked around and he quickly climbed on the table and was backed to the wall he grabbed the chair holding it in front of him.

''Delta! Are you there?'' He called.


She was huddled against the wall.

''Hickory! Yes I hear you are you ok?'' She asked placing her ear to the door.


''Um well I'm surrounded by SNAKES!'' He shouted freaking out his back to the wall same as Delta's was in the other room.

''What is happened with you?'' He asked trying to stay calm.


I'm in a s-small r-r-roomm and I-I'm not freaking out!'' She shouted panting and shaking.


''I know your scared but can you look around the room to see if there is a way out.'' He said.

He watched as the snakes slithered and came closer to him some in the corner, he was about to lose it holding his hat in front of him looking around slowly.

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