Chapter 2 Meeting the Host

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Poppy knocked on the door and it opened and there stood a doll butler who grins creepily at them. ''Welcome you must be the trolls come on in.'' He said opening the door for them.

''Thank you.'' Poppy said as they went in and came to the huge walk in hallway it had upstairs leading up and a they all looked around.

''Man this place is awesome spooky but awesome.'' Barb said looking around.

''Follow me guys.'' a toy doll butler said leading them to a huge sitting room. ''Make yourselves comfortable I will be right back with the host.'' He left.

''Dang this house is huge.'' Delta said looking around and smiling.

''Yep I recon this holds losts of secrets and dangers.'' Hickory said walking over in between Poppy and Branch.

''Well as long as we can get some sleep I'll be fine.'' DJ said looking around.

''Don't worry DJ we will be fine.'' Tresillo said patting her back.

''Still I have a bad feeling about this.'' Branch said.

''You'll be fine Branch just loosen up a bit you know wouldn't this be cool if it were like the movie Haunted Mansion.'' Poppy said.

''I don't know seems more like Clue to me.'' Riff said.

The others looked at him. ''What I watch mystery movies its really good.

''Hey there is no reason to freak out I mean we've all survived things before.'' Cooper said.

''Yeah we are all family here and we will protect each other.'' Darnell said.

''Aww I find it so nice that you guys are family lets see if that lasts.'' Said a deep voice just as thunder cracked. 

DJ jumps and gets in a defense stance and scoots closer to the group shaking. Tresillo watches her and raises and eyebrow.

A older looking gentleman kola bear with a suit smiles at them came in. ''Hello sorry for startling you but my name is Mr. Moon.'' He said.

''Hello I'm-'' Poppy began but got interuppted. 

''Yes I know who you are you are Queen Poppy of the pop trolls and this is your handsome boyfriend Branch. Then over here we have Queen Barbra of the rock trolls with her little drummer boy Riff.'' He said.

''Its Barb only my dad can call me that and I want you to show Riff more respect.'' The rock queen said glaring at the kola bear.

''Next we have Prince Darnell anf Prince Cooper of the Funk trolls pleasure to meet you guys and if I recall you live with the pop trolls Cooper am I correct?'' He asked putting both arms around the princes.

''Yes Sir.'' Cooper said smiling.

''For the most part we are.'' Darnell said not liking the cuddly bear in front of him.

''And here we have Ms. Delta of the Country troll and then Hickory who dressed as a country troll but is a yodeler and I can tell your gonna enjoy yourself. ''And last but not least we have the amazing Tresillo of the Reggaeton tribe who is known with his two back up dancers but since he came by himself but brought the very ledgendary DJ Suki.'' He said wwalking over to her looking her up and down.

''Yep that's me.'' DJ said.

''Say you funny looking bear leave the lady alone.'' He said standing pulling DJ back behind him.

''Ok then well welcome and I hope you enjoy. Any questions?'' He asked.

''Yeah I got one so what is the prize to this thing?'' Asked Poppy.

''Good question the prize is one hundred thousand dollars or whatever it is you trolls use and another special thing that will come at the end.'' He said.

''But you said your name was Mr. Gray, and what is the catch?'' Branch asked holding Poppy close.

'' Oh Mr. Grey is the name of my butler here. There is no catch just stay here for two weeks and enjoy yourselves that is all. However the partner you have is who you have to room with them for the whole two weeks you guys are all close like a family however you will be depending on your partner and watch your backs in this place and the last couple standing with win if you all win then it will divided by you all so Mr. Grey will show you to your rooms to get settled and supper will be ready soon.'' Mr. Moon the kola said.

''Follow me.'' Mr. Grey said as they did.

''Ok so you guys are all gonna be here it has you and your partners name on it and in these are the rooms you will stay in.'' He said.

They saw the names. Branch and Poppy in the first room, Barb and Riff in  the room across from them. Hickory and Delta in the room next to Branch and Poppy. Arcoss from them was Darnell and Copper and last but not least DJ and Tresillo.

Poppy went over to Tresillo. ''I warn you you touch or hurt my girl in anyway you will be sorry.'' She uses her hair to pull Tresillo to her lifting him off the ground.

''I will be a gentleman but I will protect her no worries about us.'' He said nervously around Poppy.

Branch went over to DJ. ''Are you ok?'' He asked.

''Yeah I will be fine besides I'm excited I get to be with Tresillo the hottest reggaeton troll ever but don't tell him that and besides he can teach me dance moves.'' She said looking over at the dancer.

''Me and Poppy will help you if you need it.'' He said as they all went into their rooms.

''See you for supper.'' Barb said as she and Riff went in.

''Come on Branchie.. lets go.'' Poppy said grinning and using her hair to pull him in the room as the door shut. Non of them ready for what they were gonna go though.

Here we go enjoy.

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