Chapter 8 Warning from a Doll

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The next morning the group went downstairs in the living room waited for breakfast to be served. Branch and Poppy were in there waiting. Copper came in looking wide eyed and scared Prince D looked tired, Hickory looked scared and sat on the other end of the room from Delta. Barb and Riff came in looking beat up and tired Riff had a bandage on his arm, Tresillo came in with an bandage on his arm and his other around DJ who looked so ashamed.

''What the hell happened to you guys?'' Asked Branch.

''I'm staying over here last night I'm watching a movie and I get a girl in a well saying I have 7 days then I turn and I see Delta over here looking at me like a possessed demon.'' Hickory said shaking a bit.

''I told you I did not I was sleeping you must of been dreaming.'' The country troll said glaring at Hickory.

''You call that bad yo me and Cooper are playing a game we hear a noise.'' Prince D said.

''It was horrible a dark mist shadow came out and though the wall!'' Cooper screamed shaking.

Branch and Poppy looked at each other shocked and worried. ''What happen to your arm Riff?'' DJ asked.

''Oh that well..'' Riff said looking down.

''Easy last night we are making out then all of a sudden he gets up and breaks part of a window and then smiles creepily at me and the piece of glass he cuts his arms I had to  stop him he tackled me and we were down and out.'' Barb said hugging Riff.

''Ok DJ what happened with you guys?'' Asked Branch.

''It was nuts I'm sleeping with her on my chest I wake up see practically nude and then she grins with a demon face and then tell me this is here place and to get out. Then she on the ground shaking and there is a dark shadow over her sucking the life out of her I threw a vase and it left. She only managed to cut my arm.'' He said.

''I am very sorry.'' DJ said sadly.

Poppy hugged her. ''It wasn't your fault  DJ.''

''So what happened with you love birds?'' Hickory asked.

''I had a dream that I was at a graveyard and there was Poppy's headstone she had died I wake up and then hug her to see she is nothing but a corpse.'' Branch shivered nervously.

''I also had a dream only I saw a couple only it was me and Branch we were kissing we had a wedding and then my dad died it was horrible.'' Poppy said as Branch hugged her.

''I think you two were in the situation as the couple that lived here.'' Prince D said.

''Honey we all went though what could of happened and some of us probably saw the spirits of the dead.'' Delta said.

''Your breakfast is ready.'' Mr. Grey said as they as they went into the dinning room and sat down eating the feast.

''So I take it you had a great night?'' The doll asked.

''Oh sure we slept like babies.'' Barb said glaring.

''So question what does happen at night after 10?'' asked DJ.

''Well that is when all the mysterious and dangerous stuff come out and giving from how beat and tired you guys are you wouldn't last 3 minutes going out of your bedroom after 10.'' Mr. Grey said.

''So we can't see them but they can come and harass us?'' asked Barb glaring at the doll.

''Oh they can't come in unless the door is unlocked which is why its locked every night.'' Gray said serving them orange juice.

''So what were those things we saw and went though last night?'' asked Cooper.

''Well this place is haunted as you all know besides those are just beings that want to have fun you heard the story here do you really think its gonna be pleasant? I'm just saying this if you can't handle what happened last night  then you don't have a prayer surviving.'' The doll said.

''Well it can't get us when we are together.'' Poppy said.

''One thing you got to know this place is different you will go though stuff you can't even imagine. Its said the mean brother and sister are here and cause trouble. Jade and Jane help out a bit but are still mad and as for the master who lived here he is hurt at what his kids did. And you may not be able to trust your friends or your partners. That being said I have some shopping to do so have fun guys.'' Mr. Gray said as they finished breakfast and they all went to the living room and all sat down.


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